Under Council Review

Laura D'Asaro wants to set a world record:

Largest Turtle Igloo

Record Attempt: 9.3 x 9.8feet

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Record Attempt

9.3 x 9.8feet

Set On

February 14, 2015


Cambridge, Massachusetts


How to Build a Colored Turtle Igloo

  1. Fill solo cups with food coloring and water. We used 1,000.

  2. Wait for them to freeze (we waited 2-3 nights) and then remove the colored ice blocks from the cups by pushing on the cup bottom. Recycled the cups.

  3. Mix buckets upon buckets of snowcrete (snow+water in about a 1:1 ratio) to stick the blocks together. With each layer, move the cups in slightly and angle them steeper and steeper, using significant quantities of snowcrete, and having one person work from the inside and one from the outside.

  4. Finish the normal igloo. If it is below freezing, pouring water on the igloo helps freeze everything together even more solidly.

  5. Add a face and legs and eyes.

  6. Take lots of great silly pictures playing in your turtle!

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