Sports World Records

1904 Records Found

02:10 India

Most Hindu Push-Ups In Two Minutes

Haridasu Ramesh Kumar

Ramesh Kumar performed 95 Hindu push-ups in two minutes.

13:04 Scotland

Longest Wall Sit While Carrying A 22.5-Pound Z-Bell At Shoulder Height

William Cannon

William Cannon performed a wall sit while carrying a 22.5-pound Z-bell at shoulder height for 11 minutes, 3.63 seconds.

United States

Most Weight Bench Pressed Using Free Weight And Bowflex

Timtothy Roger

Timtothy R. bench pressed 1,070.5 pounds using free weights and a Bowflex.

00:43 India

Most Hindu Push-Ups On Bricks In 40 Seconds

Haridasu Ramesh Kumar

Haridasu Ramesh Kumar performed 36 Hindu push-ups on bricks in 40 seconds.

00:32 India

Most Hindu Push-Ups In 30 Seconds

Haridasu Ramesh Kumar

Haridasu Ramesh Kumar performed 30 Hindu push-ups in 30 seconds.

05:56 Scotland

Longest Wall Sit While Carrying A 132.5-Pound Weight On Back

William Cannon

William Cannon performed a wall sit for two minutes, 37.84 seconds while carrying a 132.5-pound weight on his back.

40:34 India

Most Hindu Push-Ups In 40 Minutes

Haridasu Ramesh Kumar

Haridasu Ramesh Kumar performed 675 Hindu push-ups in 40 minutes.

10:42 Scotland

Longest Wall Sit While Carrying A 50-Pound Weight On Back

William Cannon

William Cannon performed a wall sit for nine minutes, 03.37 seconds while carrying a 50-pound weight on his back.

02:48 Scotland

Longest Wall Sit On Toes While Carrying A 355-Pound Barbell

William Cannon

William Cannon performed a wall sit on his toes for 12.56 seconds while carrying a 355-pound barbell.

02:43 Scotland

Longest Wall Sit On Toes While Carrying A 385-Pound Barbell

William Cannon

William Cannon performed a wall sit on his toes for 7.39 seconds while carrying a 385-pound barbell.

00:56 United States

Most Left Hand Front Raise Reps Using A 95-Pound Dumbbell

Jason A Faulkner

Jason F. performed 16 left hand front raise reps using a 95-pound dumbbell.

06:18 Scotland

Longest Wall Sit While Carrying A 540-Pound Weight (Athlete Under 200 Lbs.)

William Cannon

William Cannon performed a wall sit for 11.26 seconds while carrying a 540-pound weight. His body weight at the time of attempt was 194 pounds.

04:08 Scotland

Longest Wall Sit On Toes While Carrying A 100-Pound Z Bell

William Cannon

William Cannon performed a wall sit on his toes for two minutes, 8.01 seconds while carrying a 100-pound Z Bell.

47:19 England

Deepest Cold Water Scuba Dive On Compressed Air Following Recovery From A Stroke

Neal Breeden

Neal Breeden performed a scuba dive in cold water 62.5 meters deep. Breeden suffered a stroke following medical complications on November 2008. He recovered and spent three years training in scuba diving. He made the record attempt on June 2015 with his friend and instructor. PLEASE NOTE: We will only accept submissions from trained divers holding current certifications in this category.

12:00 Scotland

Longest Wall Sit While Holding A 10-Pound Weight Plate Between Thighs

William Cannon

William Cannon performed a wall sit for 11 minutes, 6.39 seconds while holding a 10-pound weight plate between his thighs.

04:26 Scotland

Longest Wall Sit On Toes While Carrying A 400-Pound Barbell

William Cannon

William Cannon performed a wall sit on his toes for 22.50 seconds while carrying a 400-pound barbell.

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