Mouth World Records

342 Records Found

01:38 United States

Longest Time Gargling Water

Travis Marshall

Travis M. gargled water for one minute, 18.72 seconds.

02:12 Wales

Longest Spit Of A Table Tennis Ball While Kneeling

Mark Evans

Mark Evans spit a table tennis ball 370 inches (30.83 feet) away while kneeling.

04:16 The Internet

Most Marshmallows Fit In Mouth While Counting "Fuzzy Bunny" Style

Jamie Antonisse

Jamie A. fit 22 marshmallows in his mouth, saying "Fuzzy Bunny" after fitting each one. WARNING: Stuffing food in mouth can be dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional speed eater. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.

The Internet

Longest Pronunciation Of "Jimmy Fallon"

Dan Crowley

00:57 Australia

Longest Time To Spin A Mini Basketball On A Mouthstick Held In Mouth


Brendan Kelbie spun a mini basketball on a mouthstick held in his hand for 33.09 seconds.

01:58 India

Fastest Time To Break Nail In Half Using Teeth

Montystar Agarawal

Montystar A. broke a nail in half in 7.46 seconds using only his teeth. WARNING: This record can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional. We will not accept submissions from minors.

01:08 India

Farthest Distance Hopped Backwards On One Foot While Carrying A 90-Kilogram Weight In Mouth

Montystar Agarawal

Montystar A. hopped backwards on one foot for 10 meters while carrying a 90-kilogram weight in his mouth.

03:13 The Internet

Most Skittles Tossed And Caught In Mouth In One Minute

Cameron Guignet

Cameron G. caught 57 Skittles in his mouth in one minute.

02:31 Slovakia

Most Cotton Buds Put In Mouth In 20 Seconds

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik put 49 cotton buds in his mouth in 20 seconds. WARNING: Stuffing items in your mouth can be dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional stunt performer. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.

10:54 Slovakia

Longest Time Bouncing A Balloon On Head While Holding A One-Kilogram Dumbbell In Mouth

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik bounced a balloon on his head for 10 minutes, 3.87 seconds while holding a 1-kilogram dumbbell in his mouth.

01:10 Colombia

Longest Time Juggling Four Clubs While Balancing A Ball On Top Of A Stick Held In Mouth, Spinning A Hoop On One Leg, And Balancing On A Slackline

De Guayaba

De Guayaba juggled four clubs for 8.78 seconds while balancing a ball on top of a stick held in his mouth, spinning a hoop on his right leg, and balancing on a slackline.

00:53 Slovakia

Most One Direction Arm Rotations In 15 Seconds While Holding Two Kitchen Knives And A 2.5-Kilogram Dumbbell In Mouth

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik rotated his arms in one direction 167 times in 15 seconds while holding two kitchen knives in his hands and a 2.5 kilogram dumbbell in his mouth. WARNING: This record can be dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 or trained as a professional stunt person. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.

01:30 Slovakia

Most Table Tennis Balls Fired Out Of One's Mouth In One Minute

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik fired 109 table tennis balls out of his mouth in one minute.

12:38 India

Longest Time Balancing A Tennis Racquet On A Pen Held In Mouth

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur balanced a tennis racquet on a pen held in his mouth for 12 minutes, 03.05 seconds.

00:58 The Internet

Most Consecutive M&M's Tossed And Caught In Mouth In 30 Seconds

Chris Parsons

Chris P. caught 19 M&M's tossed at him in 30 seconds.

00:49 United States

Most Catches Juggling Four Knives While Balancing A Sword On A Knife Held In Mouth

Thom Wall

Thom Wall completed six catches juggling four knives while balancing a sword on a knife held in his mouth. WARNING: This record can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional juggler. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.

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