Most World Records

7868 Records Found

01:38 The Internet

Most Times Tapping iPod In One Minute

Sam Gardner

Sam G. tapped his iPod 1,521 times in one minute.

02:15 The Internet

Most Costume Changes In One Minute By A Duo

Steven Best

Duo Steven Best and Cassandra changed costumes seven times in one minute. They performed the attempt during an episode of Zoink'd.

04:36 United States

Most Consecutive Triple Charlier Cuts While Bouncing A Table Tennis Ball On Alternating Sides Of A Table Tennis Paddle

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey completed 47 triple Charlier card cuts while bouncing a table tennis ball on alternating sides of a table tennis paddle.

00:49 India

Most Simultaneous Charlier And Thumb Card Cuts In 30 Seconds

Kamal Aslam

Kamal A. performed 17 Charlier and Thumb card cuts in 30 seconds.

01:00 United States

Most Consecutive Triple Charlier Cuts In One Minute While Bouncing A Table Tennis Ball On Alternating Sides Of A Table Tennis Paddle

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey completed 12 triple Charlier card cuts in one minute while bouncing a table tennis ball on alternating sides of a table tennis paddle.

08:02 United States

Most Lime Juice Bottles Consumed Consecutively

Naader Reda

Naader R. consumed four bottles of lime juice, 128 fluid ounces in total, consecutively. WARNING: Speed drinking can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional speed drinker. We will not accept submissions from minors.

08:02 United States

Most Lime Juice Bottles Consumed Consecutively

Naader Reda

Naader R. consumed four bottles of lime juice, 128 fluid ounces in total, consecutively. WARNING: Speed drinking can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional speed drinker. We will not accept submissions from minors.

00:47 India

Most Two-Handed "Cox UKER" Card Cuts In 30 Seconds

Kamal Aslam

Kamal A. performed four two-handed Cox UKER card cuts in 30 seconds.

01:17 India

Most Two-Handed "Cox UKER" Card Cuts In One Minute

Kamal Aslam

Kamal A. performed eight two-handed Cox UKER card cuts in one minute.

00:32 United States

Most Consecutive Triple Charlier Cuts In 30 Seconds While Bouncing A Table Tennis Ball On Alternating Sides Of A Table Tennis Paddle

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey completed seven triple Charlier card cuts in 30 seconds while bouncing a table tennis ball on alternating sides of a table tennis paddle.

01:10 India

Most Behind-The-Back "Reverse Revolution" Card Cuts In One Minute

Kamal Aslam

Kamal A. performed 23 behind-the-back Reverse Revolution card cuts in one minute.

01:14 India

Most Behind-The-Back "Chen Ka" Card Cuts In One Minute

Kamal Aslam

Kamal A. performed 13 behind-the-back Chen Ka card cuts in one minute.

00:11 The Internet

Most Consecutive Full Extension Knuckle Push-Ups

Adel Khalil

Adel K. performed 10 full extension knuckle push-ups.

01:12 India

Most Behind-The-Back "Saber's Rollback" Card Cuts In One Minute

Kamal Aslam

Kamal A. performed 19 behind-the-back Saber's Rollback card cuts in one minute.

02:04 The Internet

Most Poker Chips Caught In A Trash Can Thrown From The Third Floor Of A Building


Tyler caught 36 poker chips thrown from the third floor of a building in a trash can.

00:41 India

Most Behind-The-Back "Reverse Revolution" Card Cuts In 30 Seconds

Kamal Aslam

Kamal A. performed 11 behind-the-back Reverse Revolution card cuts in 30 seconds.

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