Most World Records

7868 Records Found

00:58 United States

Most Consecutive Totino's Pizza Rolls Thrown In Air And Caught With Mouth While On A Rola Bola

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey threw four Totino’s Pizza Rolls in the air and caught them in his mouth while balanced on a rola bola.

02:10 United States

Most Successful Throws Of Playing Cards Into A Wedge Of Watermelon From A Distance Of Five Feet

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey threw five consecutive cards individually into a wedge of watermelon from a distance of five feet.

00:36 United States

Most Consecutive Grapes Tossed And Caught In Mouth While Balanced On A Rola Bola

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey tossed and caught six grapes in his mouth while balancing on a rola bola. Note: Food catching can be dangerous, please exercise caution when challenging this attempt and have assistance on hand.

00:43 The Internet

Most Forms Of Transportation Used In A Cancer Awareness Race

Ty Conner

Ty Conner and his friends Noah McDougall, Andrew Vial, Chrisie VonHatten, and Adam Denton participated in a cancer awareness race in the hallway of the Earth and Sciences Building at the University of Tennessee. They raced on foot, by bicycle and in a rolling chair.

01:04 United States

Most Consecutive Catches Juggling Four Five-Pound Exercise Balls

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey completed 32 catches juggling four five-pound exercise balls[].

02:59 United States

Most Throws And Catches Of A Raw Egg On Neck

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey caught a raw egg on the neck then popping it off neck to hands until it breaks 32 times.

01:02 United States

Most Catches Of A Raw Egg On The Back Of The Neck In One Minute

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey caught a raw egg on the back of his neck 17 times in one minute.

00:33 United States

Most Catches Of A Raw Egg On The Back Of The Neck In 30 Seconds

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey caught a raw egg on the back of his neck nine times in 30 seconds.

01:04 United States

Most Consecutive Mills Mess Patterns While Juggling Three Exercise Balls While On A Rola Bola

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey completed 12 Mills Mess patterns while juggling three five-pound exercise balls and standing on a rola bola.

01:28 United States

Most Consecutive Mills Mess Patterns While Juggling Three Exercise Balls

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey completed 26 Mills Mess patterns while juggling three five-pound exercise balls.

02:07 United States

Most Times To Toss A Golf Ball Into A Bucket From 10 Feet Away In One Minute

Andy Pelphrey

Andy Pelphrey tossed a golf ball into a can 10 feet away nine times in one minute.

02:14 United States

Most Times To Toss A Golf Ball Into A Bucket 16 Feet Away In One Minute

Andy Pelphrey

Andy Pelphrey tossed a golf ball into a bucket 16 feet away five times in one minute.


Most Moustaches Drawn In One Minute On A Tescos Magazine

Emily Holmes

Emily “tigz” Holmes drew 78 mustaches in one minute on a Tescos magazine[].

02:46 United States

Most Consecutive Neck Catches Using An Exercise Ball

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey performed a neck catch with a five-pound exercise ball, throwing and catching it with his neck nine consecutive times.

03:56 United States

Most Playing Cards Balanced On Elbow And Caught While Standing On A Rola Bola

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey balanced playing cards on his elbow and caught a total of 320 cards while standing on a rola bola.

02:28 United States

Most URDB Records Set While Wearing A URDB T-Shirt

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey set 15 records on May 2, 2011 and 10 records on April 9, 2011 for a total of 25 RecordSetter records set while wearing a URDB T-shirt[].

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