Most World Records

7868 Records Found

02:38 United States

Most People To Paint On A Single Canvas Without Using Blue

Saint Louis Art Fair Attendees

103 artists who attended the Saint Louis Art Fair painted on the same canvas without using blue. To see the list of artists who created this work, click here.

01:04 United States

Most Consecutive Table Tennis Ball Bounces On A Rubik's Cube While Juggling Two Tennis Balls On A Rola Bola

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey bounced a table tennis ball 79 consecutive times using a Rubik’s Cube while juggling two tennis balls and standing on a rola bola[].

05:35 Canada

Most Balloons Shot From 50 Yards Away While Facing Opposite Direction

Doug McManaman

Expert marksman Doug McManaman shot five balloons with a 22-caliber rifle from 50 yards away. He performed the feat with his back to the balloons, using a mirror for aim. NOTE: This record is dangerous and should only be attempted by trained professionals.

06:10 United States

Most Consecutive Tennis Ball Bounces While Alternating Racket Sides And Racket Hand

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey bounced a tennis ball 480 times while alternating racket sides and racket hand.

01:18 United States

Most Consecutive Table Tennis Ball Bounces On Alternating Sides Of A Thumb Fan

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey bounced a table tennis ball 65 times using alternating sides of athumb fan, the name for a deck of cards that’s been spread out.

02:35 United States

Most Consecutive Back And Forth Table Tennis Ball Bounces Using Two Playing Cards

Brian Pankey

BrianPankey completed 243 consecutive back-and-forth bounces using two playing cards.

03:12 United States

Most Consecutive Back And Forth Table Tennis Ball Bounces Using Two Card Fans

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey bounced a table tennis ball back and forth 382 consecutive times using two card fans.

01:00 England

Most People Pulling A Holiday Cracker

Kristian Foy

Kristian Foy gathered 15 people to pull apart one Christmas cracker. Seven women held one end and eight men held the other. The women’s side got the larger part of the cracker and therefore won the prize inside.

00:41 United States

Most People With Same Name To Hug Each Other

Ryan Brown

Two men, both named Ryan Brown, hugged each other, setting a new record for Most People With The Same Name To Hug At Once. Ryan Brown and Ryan Brown set the record at a World Record Appreciation Society event held at Joe’s Pub in New York City. Dan Rollman and Corey Henderson were present as witnesses. #WRAS19

09:03 United States

Most Consecutive Drinks Taken In The Face After Being Insulted

Whitney Meers

28 people insulted Whitney Meers and then splashed beer in her face. The record was set live at theNYC Talent Show, heldat the Bowery Poetry Club[] in New York City.


Most Fifth Graders To Say "Happy Thanksgiving" At Once

Los Ranchitos Elementary School Room 308

20 fifth grade students from Los Ranchitos Elementary School said “Happy Thanksgiving” at once.

00:40 England

Most Times Catching Turkey With Neck In 30 Seconds

Pete Ioulianou

Pete Ioulianou caught a frozen turkey seven times in 30 seconds using his neck.


Most Students To Say "Team Shan Breast Cancer Awareness For Young Women" At Once

Team Shan

On November 24, 2010, Lorna Larsen, president of Team Shan, presented to 450 students at the University of Western Ontario. Following the lecture, she inspired the entire room to say, “Team Shan Breast Cancer Awareness for Young Women” at the same time.

00:15 The Internet

Largest Silent Anti-Cancer Message

Jenee Areeckal

Nine cancer survivors and eight oncology staff members participated in a 17-person silent anti-cancer message.

02:13 United States

Most People Complimented In Two Minutes While Staring In Their Eyes

Kurt Braunohler

Kurt Braunholer complimented 33 people while staring them in the eyes. He performed the feat in two minutes. Braunholerset the record at a World Record Appreciation Society event held at Joe’s Pub in New York City. Dan Rollman and Corey Henderson were present as witnesses. [][][#WRAS19][] []:


Most Mary Kay Consultants Kissing Cancer Good-Bye

Mary Kay Consultants

Forty Mary Kay consultants said “Mary Kay kisses cancer goodbye” at the same time. They set the record in honor of Terri Schaefer for the We Believe Foundation.

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