Most World Records

7868 Records Found

02:12 The Internet

Most Shoulder Joint Cracks In One Minute


Jonathan cracked his shoulder joints 73 times in one minute.

01:09 India

Most One-Handed "Saber's Revolution 2 Aerial Tosser" Card Cuts In One Minute

Kamal Aslam

Kamal A. performed 13 one-handed Saber's Revolution 2 Aerial Tosser card cuts in one minute.

01:10 Germany

Most Kettlebell Swings On A Floating Paddleboard In One Minute

Patrik Faatz

Patrik performed 35 kettlebell swings on a floating paddleboard in one minute.

00:59 India

Most Certifications Received In A Year

Abhishant Kumar

Abhishant Kumar received 235 certificates in a year.

01:29 United States

Most Paintings Of Churches, Temples And Shrines By A Single Artist

Suzanne mancuso

Suzanne Kraus Mancuso painted 1,500 paintings of churches, temples and shrines.

00:35 United States

Most Around-The-World Flourishes With Two Playing Cards In 30 Seconds

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey performed 15 Around-the-World flourishes in 30 seconds with two playing cards.

01:04 Scotland

Most Consecutive One-Legged Jumps In One Minute

Michael Callan

Michael C. performed 176 one-legged jumps in one minute.

00:33 United States

Most Consecutive Coin Rolls In 30 Seconds Using An American Quarter

Ben Abel

Ben A. performed 16 consecutive coin rolls in 30 seconds using an American quarter coin.

01:05 United States

Most Around-The-World Flourishes With Two Playing Cards In One Minute

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey performed 23 Around-the-World flourishes in one minute with two playing cards.

00:26 Canada

Most Consecutive Coin Rolls In 10 Seconds Using A Kennedy Half Dollar

Michael Francis

Michael F. performed nine consecutive coin rolls in 10 seconds using a Kennedy half dollar coin.

02:34 United States

Most Blueberries Fit In Mouth

Matthew Parham

Matthew P. fit 100 blueberries in his mouth at once. WARNING: Stuffing food in your mouth can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional eater. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.

00:11 The Internet

Most 180-Degree Hops On A Bicycle In 10 Seconds

Austin LaCount

Austin L. performed four 180-degree hops on his bicycle in 30 seconds.

04:54 India

Most Table Tennis Balls Held Underwater With One Hand

Dinesh Shivnath Upadhyaya

Dinesh Shivnath Upadhyaya held 16 table tennis balls at once underwater.

02:07 The Internet

Most Table Tennis Volleys While Barefoot In A Garage

Stefano Parola

Stefano and his friend completed 125 consecutive table tennis volleys. They set the record while barefoot inside a garage.

00:18 United States

Most People Passing A Handful Of Flame

Knagi Saki

Knagi Saki, a flame artist for over a decade now, and 13 of his friends passed a handful of flame to each other using their bare hands. WARNING: This record can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.

00:25 United States

Most Cheese Puffs Eaten In 20 Seconds

Jim Paul

TheDpremo ate 13 cheese puffs in 20 seconds. WARNING: Speed eating can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional eater. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.

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