Most World Records

7868 Records Found

00:45 United States

Most Assisted Handstand Push-Ups By A 3-Year-Old

Timothy Fogarty

Greyson performed 16 assisted handstand push-ups. He is three years old.

United States

Most Weight Bench Pressed Using Free Weight And Bowflex

Timtothy Roger

Timtothy R. bench pressed 1,070.5 pounds using free weights and a Bowflex.

00:23 The Internet

Most Catches Juggling A Homemade Voodoo Bee Doll, A Solved Rubik's Cube, And An Open Pocket Knife

Ryan Matoush

Ryan M. completed 18 catches juggling a homemade voodoo bee doll, a solved Rubik's cube and an open pocket knife. WARNING: This record can be dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 or trained as a professional juggler. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.

01:05 India

Most Times Passing A Stringless Tennis Racquet Over Body In One Minute

dipanshu mishra

Dipanshu M. passed a stringless tennis racquet over his body 32 times in one minute.

00:32 India

Most Hindu Push-Ups In 30 Seconds

Haridasu Ramesh Kumar

Haridasu Ramesh Kumar performed 30 Hindu push-ups in 30 seconds.

00:43 India

Most Hindu Push-Ups On Bricks In 40 Seconds

Haridasu Ramesh Kumar

Haridasu Ramesh Kumar performed 36 Hindu push-ups on bricks in 40 seconds.

02:04 India

Most Tennis Ball Bounces On Alternate Sides Of A Tennis Racquet While Kneeling On An Exercise Ball

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur bounced a tennis ball on alternate sides of a tennis racquet 178 times while kneeling on an exercise ball.

01:08 United States

Most Catches Juggling Three Clubs While Bouncing A Ball On A Head Pedestal

Thom Wall

Thom Wall completed 102 catches juggling three clubs while bouncing a ball on a head pedestal.

02:16 India

Most Times Winning "Best Decorated Award" At Car Shows

K. Viswanathan

K. Viswanathan's car won "Best Decorated Car" 11 times at car shows.

02:02 India

Most Jumping Jacks Performed In One Minute While Carrying A 40-Pound Backpack

vishal solanki

Vishal S. completed 84 jumping jacks in one minute while carrying a 40-pound backpack.

01:36 United States

Most Consecutive Forward Rolls By A Seventh Grader

Grace Brown

Grace B. performed 53 consecutive forward rolls. She is currently in the seventh grade.

01:40 England

Most #1 UK Christmas Singles Named In One Minute

David Sargent

David S. named 25 #1 UK Christmas singles in one minute.

40:34 India

Most Hindu Push-Ups In 40 Minutes

Haridasu Ramesh Kumar

Haridasu Ramesh Kumar performed 675 Hindu push-ups in 40 minutes.

02:02 Italy

Most Squats On An Indo Board Balanced On A Roller Indo Board In One Minute

Silvio Sabba

Record Setter completed six full squats on an indo board balanced on a roller indo board in one minute.

01:24 India

Most Consecutive Bounces Of An Exercise Ball On A Tennis Racquet While Kneeling On An Exercise Ball

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur bounced an exercise ball on a tennis racquet 66 times while kneeling on an exercise ball.

05:04 Canada

Most Kids Leaping On A Leap Day

Teal Beattie

Jack, Finn, Molly and 19 of their friends leaped at once on a leap day.

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