7868 Records Found

06:38 United States

Most Pieces Of Gum Chewed At Once

Lester Cock

Lester C. chewed 250 pieces of gum at once. WARNING: Stuffing food in mouth can be dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional eater. We will not accept submissions from minors.

03:13 United States

Most Coins Laying Flat On The Edge Of A Coin Standing Vertically On Another Coin

Tai Star

Tai Star stacked 41 coins on the edge of a coin standing vertically on another coin.

01:13 Canada

Most Pairs Of Legs Crawled Through In One Minute, Two Seconds

Jump Out La Salle

A member of Jump Out La Salle crawled through 229 pairs of legs in one minute and two seconds.

02:31 United States

Most Balloons Popped Domino-Style With A Laser


Scott A. Stevenson popped 100 balloons using Wicked Lasers' Spyder III Krypton laser.

00:07 United Arab Emerates

Most Google Chrome Tabs Open At Once

William Smith

John S. opened 100,022 tabs on his Google Chrome browser at the same time.

01:36 United States

Most Consecutive Back Of Head Presses With 150 Pounds By A Male Over 50 Years Old


Hammer Head completed 31 consecutive back of head presses with 150 pounds of weight.

03:38 Australia

Most Streamers Attached To A Real-Life Nyan Cat

Skaidris Gunsmith

Skaidris Gunsmith attached five streamers to his cat, making it a real-life Nyan Cat.

18:13 United States

Most Military Dog Tags Worn At Once

Jared & Jaz Owens Owens

10-year-old Jared Owens wore 147 military dog tags at once. He set the record in cooperation with A Song for Life Sarcoidosis Foundation to honor sarcoidosis sufferers and to raise awareness about funding and research.

01:06 United States

Most Pull-Ups While Hula Hooping

Aaron Kitchman

Aaron K. completed 11 pull-ups while hula hooping.

01:12 United States

Most Jumping Jacks In One Minute

Jaiden perez

Jaiden P. completed 111 jumping jacks in one minute.

23:43 United States

Most Deep Squats In 24 Hours

Andre Turan

Andre T. completed 15,939 deep squats in a day. He set the record on May 28 to May 29, 2011 at the Liberty Fitness Center and the Memorial Day street festival in Liberty, New York.

00:51 United States

Most Consecutive Circled Flares On A Pommel Mushroom

Jack Coppola

Jack C. performed 40 circled flares on a gymnastics pommel mushroom.

00:51 United States

Most Consecutive Circled Flares On A Pommel Mushroom

Jack Coppola

Jack C. performed 40 circled flares on a gymnastics pommel mushroom.

09:06 United States

Most Times Saying "Potato" In A Video

Captain Catasrophe

Captain Catasrophe repeated the word "potato" 650 times in his video.

03:22 England

Most Dice Held Between Two Fingers


Stephen K. held 91 dice between his two fingers.

07:40 The Internet

Most Lemons Caught In One Minute While Blindfolded


Cameron K. caught 31 lemons in one minute while blindfolded. He and his group set the record for College Composition class project at St. Louis Community College in Wildwood, Missouri.

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