Sara Goldberg verbalized an astounding 20 variations on “meow” in one
minute, a new world record.
She performed the feat on March 25, 2009 at a World Record Appreciation
Society[] event held at Pianos in New York City. Dan Rollman and
Corey Henderson were present to document the record.
Impressions included are: “cat on a train,” “cat with sleep apnea,” “cat
drowning,” “catatonic,” “cattle call,” “cat watching birds,” “cat
starting an engine,” “cat wanting attention,” “cat high on cat nip,”
“Siamese cats,” “cat hard of hearing,” “cat stuck in a closet,”
“catstration,” “cat on fire,” “cat where there the cat-sitter forgot to
come,” “cat allergic to its owner,” “cat looking at his 401(k) in 2005,”
“cat looking at his 401(k) in 2009,” “cat watching TV,” “cat choking on
hairball,” and “cat on a hot tin roof.”