Longest World Records

3547 Records Found

03:39 Canada

Longest Time Balancing On One Foot On A Swing With Leg Raised

Allie and Elle inc productions

Allie balanced on her left foot on a swing for three minutes, 39.00 seconds while raising her right leg.

00:38 United States

Longest Time Balancing On One Hand On A Fire Hydrant

Tai Star

Tai Star balanced on one hand on a fire hydrant for 20.32 seconds.

00:32 India

Longest Time Balancing On One Heel

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur balanced on his left heel for 22.51 seconds.

01:12 Sweden

Longest Time Balancing On One Leg While Holding A Seven-Kilo Barbell (Junior)

Noa Ohlund

Noa O. balanced on one leg for 57.91 seconds while holding a seven-kilo barbell. He is six years old.

02:44 India

Longest Time Balancing On Toes On A Balance Board

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur balanced on his toes on a balance board for two minutes, 25.05 seconds.

03:50 Scotland

Longest Time Balancing On Top Of A Five-Step Ladder

William Cannon

William C. balanced on top of a five-step ladder for two minutes, 37.09 seconds.

01:05 Scotland

Longest Time Balancing On Top of A Three-Step Ladder While Holding A 10-Pound Barbell

William Cannon

William C. sat balanced on top of a three-step ladder for 18.32 seconds while holding a 10-pound barbell.

20:01 Italy

Longest Time Balancing On Top Of Two Balance Boards

Silvio Sabba

Record Setter balanced himself on top of two balance boards for 16 minutes, 18.67 seconds.

00:52 India

Longest Time Balancing On Two Big Toes

Suresh Gaur

Suresh G. balanced on his two big toes for 25.64 seconds.

08:13 Wales

Longest Time Balancing One Basketball On Another Basketball Using One Hand

Mark Evans

Mark Evans balanced a basketball on top of another basketball using only one hand for six minutes, 46.97 seconds.

02:07 Canada

Longest Time Balancing One-Gallon Jug Of Water On A Pole On Chin While Sitting

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman balanced a one-gallon jug of water on a pole on his chin for 13.82 seconds while sitting.

United States

Longest Time Balancing Rock Band Guitar On One Finger While Holding A Stuffed Gorilla

Simon Perkins

Simon Perkins balanced a Rock Band guitar on one finger for one minute, 32.34 seconds while holding a stuffed gorilla.

02:22 Canada

Longest Time Balancing Santa Claus Statue On Chin

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman balanced a statue of Santa Claus on his chin for 33.18 seconds. The three-foot statue was in a cardboard box, balanced on top of a three-foot pole.

06:22 Canada

Longest Time Balancing Seven Coffee Cups On Thumb While Standing

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman balanced seven coffee cups on his thumb for five minutes, 17.69 seconds while standing.

03:21 Canada

Longest Time Balancing Seven Eggs On Top Of A Pole On Tongue

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman balanced seven eggs on top of a pole on his tongue for 18.94 seconds.

01:41 Canada

Longest Time Balancing Seven Golf Balls On A Pole On Chin While Lying On Back

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman balanced seven golf balls on a pole on his chin for 23.90 seconds while lying on his back.

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