Longest World Records

3547 Records Found

03:31 Canada

Longest Time To Balance A Sink On Top Of A Pole On Chin While Sitting

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman balanced a sink on top of a pole on his chin for two minutes, 22.21 seconds. He performed the attempt while sitting.

00:57 United States

Longest Time To Spin A Basketball On Top Of An American Stick Flag Held In Hand

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey spun a basketball on top of an American stick flag held in his hand for 33.50 seconds.

00:32 United States

Longest Time To Spin A Basketball On Top Of An American Stick Flag Held In Mouth

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey spun a basketball on top of an American stick flag held in his mouth for 13.72 seconds.

05:01 The Internet

Slowest Time To Eat A Slice Of Cheese


Jon Gardner took one minute, 8.87 seconds to eat a slice of cheese.

06:16 Canada

Longest Time To Balance The RecordSetter Book Of World Records On Top Of A Pole On Thumb

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman balanced the RecordSetter Book of World Records on top of a pole on his thumb for four minutes, 41.34 seconds while sitting.

01:36 The Internet

Longest Ice Bar

Joe Rimer

Team World Record Ice (Dawson List, Max Zuleta, James Ottens, Dominique Collel, and Joe Rimer) built an ice bar 207 feet in length. Read more about the feat here.

01:37 India

Longest Time To Keep Two Running Motorcycles Stopped Using One's Hair And Teeth

Montystar Agarawal

Montystar A. stopped two running Yamaha motorcycles using only his teeth and hair and kept the engine stopped for 6.47 seconds. NOTE: This record is dangerous and should only be attempted by trained professionals.

02:55 United States

Longest Punch


Keith Liddell punched a punching bag from 10 feet, 10 inches away.

03:27 United States

Longest Time Standing On One Foot Before Doing Ten One-Footed Squats

Tai Star

Tai Star stood on one foot for 41 minutes, 21.00 seconds before doing ten one-footed squats.

00:57 United States

Longest Time To Balance A Mountain Bike On Top Of Pole On Chin


Troy Young balanced a mountain bike on top of a pole on his chin for three minutes, 6.06 seconds. He attributes his balancing skills to his skateboarding, rock climbing, tree climbing and other outdoor activities.

00:24 Australia

Longest Individual Portrait Photo Shoot

Rajesh Kumar

Rajesh, a Sydney-based photographer and cinematographer, took eight hours to capture portraits of 1,010 individuals. He set the record during the India-Australia Friendship Fair in Sydney, Australia.

03:34 Canada

Longest Time To Balance A Walking Stick On Top Of A Matchstick

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman balanced a walking stick on top of a matchstick for one minute, 27.75 seconds.

04:32 Canada

Longest Time To Balance A Baseball And A Golf Club On Top Of A Matchstick

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman balanced a baseball and a golf club on top of a matchstick for three minutes, 20.88 seconds.

01:29 The Internet

Longest Stationary "Yeah Right" On Skateboards

Shawtgun White

Shawtgun White performed a stationary Yeah Right on his skateboards for one minute, 16.75 seconds.

02:27 The Internet

Longest Stationary One-Footed "Yeah Right" On Skateboards

Shawtgun White

Shawtgun White performed a stationary one-footed Yeah Right on his skateboard for two minutes, 4.21 seconds.

05:06 United States

Longest Time To Balance A Cellphone On Knee While On A Slackline

Tai Star

Tai Star balanced a cellphone on his knee for five minutes, 1.00 second while on a slackline.

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