Kids World Records

402 Records Found

00:15 Australia

Most Hops In 10 Seconds

Jordan Lambiris

Jordan L. hopped 62 times in 10 seconds.

00:41 Northern Ireland

Most Ariana Grande And Meghan Trainor Songs Named In 20 Seconds

Aisling moore

Aisling M. named 21 Ariana Grande and Meghan Trainor songs in 20 seconds.

00:27 United States

Most Jumping Jacks Performed While Quoting John 3:16

Jason Gibbons

Record setter performed 13 jumping jacks while quoting John 3:16.

07:02 The Internet

Longest Time For A 13-Year-Old To Juggle Three Clubs

Ryan Tharayil

Ryan T. juggled three clubs for six minutes, 57.16 seconds. He is 13 years old.

01:38 Canada

Longest Time For An Eight-Year-Old To Play Fiddle While Someone Is Balancing A Mechanical Man On Chin While Kneeling

Katie Mcilvena

Eight-year-old Katie played fiddle for 56.50 seconds while Doug McManaman balanced a mechanical dancing man on his chin while kneeling.

08:23 The Internet

Most Tennis Ball Bounces On A Tennis Racquet By A 12-Year-Old

jennifer davids

Jennifer's son bounced a tennis ball on a tennis racquet 870 times. He is 12 years old.

00:19 The Internet

Highest Dunk By A 12-Year-Old Using A Mini Ball

Milo Ostwald

Milo O. performed a 106.5-inch dunk using a mini ball. He is 12 years old.

01:25 The Internet

Most "The Simpsons" Characters Named In One Minute

Thomas slater

Thomas S. named 43 The Simpsons characters in one minute.

01:02 Canada

Most Toe Flexes In One Minute

Kezia Hatch

Kezia H. flexed her toes downward 80 times in one minute.

01:17 Australia

Most Back Handsprings On A Trampoline In One Minute


Isaac S. completed 41 back handsprings on a trampoline in one minute.

01:08 United States

Youngest Baby To Stand On One's Hand

Tai Star

Tai Star's son, Vincent, stood on his father's right hand. He was 130 days old at the time of the attempt. NOTE: This record is dangerous and should not be challenged by others. The category is closed.

01:32 United States

Most People Singing A School Song While Standing On One Foot

Travis Rohrig

Travis R. led 426 people at Jac-Cen-Del Elementary School in Indiana in singing their school song while standing on one foot. They set the record as part of American Education Week.

12:13 United States

Longest Time Butterflying While Wearing A Hat And Sitting On A Scooter

Mariah Riese

Mariah R. butterflied for 12 minutes, 1.45 seconds while wearing a hat and sitting on a scooter.

04:55 India

Youngest Person To Recite 15 Multiplication Tables While Blindfolded


Sriram recited 15 multiplication tables while blindfolded. He is four years old.

00:20 United States

Largest Game Of Tic-tac-toe Using Sticky Notes

Savanna Daniels

Savanna and her friend played Tic-tac-toe using 152 sticky notes.

00:50 Italy

Longest Time For A Five-Year-Old To Balance On A BOSU Balance Trainer

Silvio Sabba

Record Setter's son, Cristian, balanced on a BOSU balance trainer for 32.15 seconds. He is five years old.

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