Kids World Records

402 Records Found

02:36 Germany

Most Car Brand Logos Named By A Three-Year-Old


Sushanth named 80 car brand logos. He is three years old.

01:08 United States

Youngest Baby To Stand On One's Hand

Tai Star

Tai Star's son, Vincent, stood on his father's right hand. He was 130 days old at the time of the attempt. NOTE: This record is dangerous and should not be challenged by others. The category is closed.

04:55 India

Youngest Person To Recite 15 Multiplication Tables While Blindfolded


Sriram recited 15 multiplication tables while blindfolded. He is four years old.

00:56 United States

Fastest Time To Set Up A Chess Board While Playing A Kazoo And Balancing On Stilts

Sam Utzinger

Sam set up a chess board in 40.86 seconds while playing a kazoo and balancing on stilts.


Highest Number Counted To In One Minute


RPV counted 181 numbers in one minute.

05:14 United States

Longest Loom Band Mouse Tail Made In Three Minutes By A 12-Year-Old

Matthew Taylor

Matthew T. made a loom band mouse tail in three minutes measuring 15 inches in length. He is 12 years old.

01:11 France

Fastest Time To Read A Page From "The Swiss Family Robinson" Book

K Hodge

K. Hodge read a page from the novel The Swiss Family Robinson in 33.03 seconds.

00:37 United States

Fastest Completion Of 28 Cartwheels


Leah completed 28 cartwheels in 35.84 seconds.

14:39 Canada

Longest Leg Split Position Held On A Slide

Allie and Elle inc productions

Allie held a leg split position on a slide for 14 minutes, 39.00 seconds.

00:30 United States

Fastest Backwards Recitation Of The English Alphabet While Jumping Rope

kaida nybong

Kaida N. recited the English alphabet backwards in 5.79 seconds while jumping rope.

00:26 United States

Most Alternate Hand Selfies In 15 Seconds Using An iPad

Paige m

Paige M. took 12 alternate hand selfies in 15 seconds using an iPad.

00:37 Sweden

Most Laps Run Around A Tree In 30 Seconds (Junior)

Noa Ohlund

Noa O. ran 11 laps around a tree in 30 seconds. He is six years old.

00:20 Sweden

Most Pine Cones Launched Over Water With A Tennis Racket By A Six-Year-Old

Noa Ohlund

Noa O. launched 14 pine cones over water using a tennis racquet. He is six years old.

01:12 Sweden

Longest Time Balancing On One Leg While Holding A Seven-Kilo Barbell (Junior)

Noa Ohlund

Noa O. balanced on one leg for 57.91 seconds while holding a seven-kilo barbell. He is six years old.

00:13 United States

Most Double Hop Jump Rope Jumps On A Trampoline

Joshua Muzichuk

Joshua M. performed 13 double hop jump rope jumps on a trampoline. He is 12 years old.

01:41 United States

Most Chest Presses Using A Hairless Cat In One Minute

Charles Crutchfield

Charles C. chest pressed a hairless cat 72 times in one minute.

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