Fastest World Records
Many world record holders have proven they're the best by being the fastest. People show off their speed in the areas of sports, music, video games, recitation and much, much more. No matter what your hobby, if you can do it fast, you stand a chance at becoming a global champion. Hurry up and set a world record!
2591 Records Found

Fastest Kazoo Duet Rendition Of “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star”
Evan and Ben S.

Fastest Time To Complete 100 One-Armed Push-Ups On A Medicine Ball
Guillaume Bourgeois

Fastest Time To Complete Track 1 In "Excitebike" (NES)
Andrew Gardikis

Fastest "Nebula" Card Cut
Kamal Aslam

Fastest Time To Complete "Doom Episode 2 - Speedrun" (Xbox 360)
Dave Vogt

Fastest Two-Handed "Revolution" Card Cut
Kamal Aslam

Fastest Time To Complete 100 Consecutive Catches Juggling Three Tennis Balls In A Cascade Pattern
Nate Tower

Fastest Time To Complete "Doom Episode 1 - Speedrun" (Xbox 360)
Dave Vogt

Fastest Two-Handed Triple Charlier Card Cut
Kamal Aslam

Fastest Time To Complete 200 Juggling Cascade Patterns Bounced On A Wall
Nate Tower

Fastest Time To Recite The Elements Of The Periodic Table And Their Atomic Numbers In Random Order
Kshitij Lohani

Fastest Time To Peel An Orange By Hand
Zachary kahn

Fastest Exercise Medley Featuring 200 Juggling Catches And 50 Push-Ups
Nate Tower

Fastest Time For A Dog To Eat Four Sausages
Jack de

Fastest Time For A Canadian To Set 320 RecordSetter World Records
Doug McManaman

Fastest "Windmill" Playing Card Display
Kamal Aslam
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