Catching World Records

485 Records Found

00:20 The Internet

Most Catches Juggling Six Snowballs With Bare Hands

Bryson Lang

Bryson L. completed 16 catches juggling six snowballs with his bare hands.

02:21 Chile

Most Consecutive Over-The-Leg Diabolo Catches With One Hand

Felipe baraona

Felipe B. performed 100 consecutive over-the-leg diabolo catches using one hand.

00:45 United States

Longest Over-The-House Egg Catch

Michaele Phillips

Michaele's friend, Rider, caught an egg thrown over a house from 146 feet away.

00:23 England

Most Cassettes Balanced On Elbow And Caught

Richard Wilson

Richard W. balanced five cassettes on his elbow, tossed them in the air and caught them with the hand of the same arm.

04:56 United States

Most Stuffed Animal Catches From One Flight Of Stairs

Andy Hanscom

Andy's brother, Jon, caught stuffed animals 111 times. The stuffed animals were thrown by Andy from upstairs.

02:11 Canada

Most Behind-The-Back Frisbee Catches In One Minute

Justin Bereczki

Justin B. completed 48 behind-the-back Frisbee catches in one minute.

00:28 United States

Most Catches Of A Bouncing Ball Using A Pair Of Chopsticks While Juggling Two Balls

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey caught a 43-mm bouncing ball 14 times using a pair of chopsticks while juggling two balls.

00:25 United States

Most Catches Of A Bouncing Ball Using A Pair Of Chopsticks While Bouncing A Table Tennis Ball On A Table Tennis Paddle

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey caught a 43-mm bouncing ball 10 times using a pair of chopsticks while bouncing a table tennis ball on a table tennis paddle.

00:32 United States

Most Consecutive One-Handed Catches Juggling Two Balls Using Alternating Sides Of A Tennis Racket

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey completed 54 consecutive, one-handed catches juggling two balls using alternating sides of a tennis racket.

01:21 United States

Most Blind Catches Of An Exercise Ball In One Minute

Brian Wetherholt

Brian's friend caught an exercise ball nine times in one minute. He was blindfolded throughout the entire attempt. The record was part of their group's "In The Mix" RecordSetter series.

01:00 Canada

Most Catches Juggling Three Basketballs In A Cascade Pattern While Balancing A Book On Head And Kneeling On An Exercise Ball

Mason Axcell

Mason A. completed 88 catches juggling three basketballs in a cascade pattern while balancing a book on his head and kneeling on an exercise ball.

00:31 United States

Most Catches In 30 Seconds Juggling Three Balls Using A Tennis Racket In Each Hand

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey completed 95 catches in 30 seconds while juggling three balls using tennis rackets in each hand.

01:01 United States

Most Catches In One Minute Juggling Two Balls One-Handed Using A Tennis Racket

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey completed 147 catches in one minute juggling two balls one-handed using a tennis racket.

00:30 United States

Most Catches In 30 Seconds Juggling Two Balls One-Handed Using A Tennis Racket

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey completed 80 catches in 30 seconds while juggling two balls one-handed using a tennis racket.

01:01 United States

Most Catches Of A Bouncing Ball In One Minute Using A Pair Of Chopsticks

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey caught a 43-mm bouncing ball 43 times in one minute using a pair of chopsticks.

01:11 United States

Most Successful Catches Of A Ball Bounced 50 Times Using A Pair Of Chopsticks

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey caught a 43-mm bouncing ball 48 times out of 50 attempts using a pair of chopsticks.

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