213 Records Found

Most Consecutive Under The Leg Fidget Spinner Catches
Kyler McCoy

Most Diabolo Catches In 30 Seconds
Domingo Irarrazaval

Most Doritos Bags Caught In 30 Seconds After Completing A Round Of Dizzy Bat

Most Doritos Bags Caught In A Football Helmet In 30 Seconds

Most Footballs Caught While Wearing Foam Fingers In 30 Seconds

Most Frisbees Juggled Using One Hand
Brian Pankey

Most Gummy Candies Consecutively Thrown And Caught In Mouth
Cooper Scott

Most Juggling Catches Made While Swimming And Wearing A Gorilla Costume
Joe Salter

Most Juggling Club Catches Passing On Slackline With Drop Down From Ladder
Tony Duncan

Most Nuts Caught With A Planters Can Hat In 30 Seconds
Jason Coffee

Most Orange Catches While Jump Roping In 15 Seconds
Katie Zurweller

Most Over-The-Back Hacky Sack Catches
Marcus Brims

Most Peanuts Balanced On Elbow And Caught While Blindfolded
Suresh Gaur

Most People Playing Catch Using Plastic Balls
Bharathiyar Matriculation

Most Skittles Thrown In The Air And Caught In Mouth While Listening To The Chorus Of "Heartbeat Song" Inside A Moving A Car

Most Three Tennis Racket Back Crosses Catches
Brian Pankey
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