video game World Records

  1. #81

    Longest Drift In "Burnout Paradise"

    Joshua C. performed a 2.2-mile drift in Burnout Paradise.

    Aug 27 JoshuaCavanagh 8 comments Australia
  2. #82

    Highest Score In "Mini Putt 3" (Online)

    Oliver B. earned 23 points in Mini Putt 3.

    Aug 27 OliverBrady 4 comments United States
  3. #83

    Oldest "Club Penguin" Penguin (Online)

    Alan’s penguin reached 3,381 days old in the game Club Penguin.

    Aug 28 itachi208 20 comments United States
  4. #84

    Highest Score Earned Shooting Clay Pigeons In "Duck Hunt" (NES)

    Jessie M. earned 601,000 points in Duck Hunt: Game C - Clay Shooting.

    Aug 28 jessemartinez 15 comments The Internet
  5. #85

    Highest Score In "Juice Cubes: Level 4" (Online)

    Pavol Durdik earned 14,260 points in Juice Cubes: Level 4.

    Aug 31 PavolDurdik Slovakia
  6. #86

    Fastest 10-Man Smash In "Super Smash Bros." (3DS)

    Manish S. completed a 10-man smash in Super Smash Bros. in 7.93 seconds.

    Aug 31 manishshrestha 7 comments Nepal
  7. #87

    Highest Score In "Ice Breakers" (Online)

    Zuzana Z. earned 21,845 points in Ice Breakers.

    Sep 01 ZuzanaZacharova Slovakia
  8. #88

    Highest Score In "Aqua Cubes" (Online)

    Zuzana Z. earned 14,828 points in Aqua Cubes.

    Aug 31 ZuzanaZacharova Slovakia
  9. #89

    Fastest Time To Finish "Koopa Cape" Race Course In "Mario Kart Wii"

    Master Kart finished the Koopa Cape race course in Mario Kart Wii in one minute, 46.00 seconds.

    Sep 01 MasterKart United States
  10. #90

    Highest Score In "Jelly Splash: Level 2" (Online)

    Pavol Durdik earned 17,800 points in Jelly Splash: Level 2.

    Sep 03 PavolDurdik Slovakia
  11. #91

    Highest Score In "Jelly Splash: Level 5" (Online)

    Pavol Durdik earned 40,700 points in Jelly Splash: Level 5.

    Sep 03 PavolDurdik 1 comment Slovakia
  12. #92

    Highest Score In "Jelly Splash: Level 3" (Online)

    Pavol Durdik earned 35,250 points in Jelly Splash: Level 3.

    Sep 03 PavolDurdik Slovakia
  13. #93

    Highest Score In "Jelly Splash: Level 1" (Online)

    Pavol Durdik earned 14,300 points in Jelly Splash: Level 1.

    Sep 03 PavolDurdik Slovakia
  14. #94

    Highest Score In "Threes JS" (Online)

    Joseph K. earned 7,482 points in Threes JS.

    Sep 03 JosephKenneally Ireland
  15. #95

    Most Snowballs Thrown In "Minecraft" (PC)

    Yohan K. threw 130,079 snowballs in Minecraft.

    Sep 07 SwingTheChainsaw 3 comments United States
  16. #96

    Highest Score In "Jelly Splash: Level 6" (Online)

    Pavol Durdik earned 52,400 points in Jelly Splash: Level 6.

    Sep 07 PavolDurdik Slovakia
  17. #97

    Highest Score In "Jelly Splash: Level 8" (Online)

    Pavol Durdik earned 64,450 points in Jelly Splash: Level 8.

    Sep 10 PavolDurdik Slovakia
  18. #98

    Highest Score In "Ice Cream Catapult: Level 1" (Online)

    Pavol Durdik earned 45,120 points in Ice Cream Catapult: Level 1.

    Sep 09 PavolDurdik Slovakia
  19. #99

    Highest Score In "Ice Cream Catapult: Level 2" (Online)

    Pavol Durdik earned 71,920 points in Ice Cream Catapult: Level 2.

    Sep 07 PavolDurdik Slovakia
  20. #100

    Highest Score In "Pudding Strike: Level 1-1" (Online)

    Pavol Durdik earned 21,800 points in Pudding Strike: Level 1-1.

    Sep 07 PavolDurdik Slovakia
video game records
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