video game World Records
Highest Score On Mario Bros. (NES)
Phil Timmons earned 2,727,840 points playing Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. See entire video here.
Apr 05 PhilTimmons 5 comments
Tallest "Minecraft" Tower
Michael Bassoon built a tower in Minecraft that is 194 blocks in height.
Apr 06 MichaelBassoon 40 comments
Highest Score In "Ninja Gaiden" Using Extreme Settings (NES)
Glen Updike earned 264,100 points in Ninja Gaiden (NES) using the extreme difficulty settings.
Apr 06 GlenUpdike 2 comments
Highest Score In "DuckTales" Using Extreme Settings (NES)
Glen Updike earned 10,517,000 points in DuckTales (NES) using the extreme difficulty settings.
Apr 06 GlenUpdike 1 comment
Highest Score In Double Dragon Using Extreme Settings (NES)
Glen Updike earned 61,580 points in Double Dragon (NES) using the extreme difficulty settings.
Apr 09 GlenUpdike 1 comment
Highest Score In "Silver Surfer" Using Extreme Settings (NES)
Glen Updike earned 595,650 points on Silver Surfer for the NES using the extreme difficulty settings.
Apr 09 GlenUpdike
Fewest Arrows Shot To Win Against Computer In Game Of "Bowman 2"
Hieu Pham shot one arrow to win against the computer in a game of Bowman 2.
Apr 10 HieuPham 1 comment
Most Deaths In A "Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3" Free-For-All Match
Jordan M. achieved 167 deaths in a Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Free-for-All match.
Apr 18 JordanM 1 comment
Most Coins Earned In "Coin Dozer" (Mobile)
Karen Infantado earned 1,206 coins in the Coin Dozer mobile game app.
Apr 23 KarenInfantado1 27 comments
Fastest Time To Finish "Dune (1992)" (PC)
Morten Bentsen finished a game of Dune (1992) in 23 days.
Apr 23 MortenBentsen 2 comments
Fastest Completion Of Level 2: Dumbledore's Army In "Lego Harry Potter 2" (Xbox 360)
Matt Siegfried completed Level 2: Dumbledore's Army in "Lego Harry Potter 2" in three minutes, 25.47 seconds.
Apr 30 MattSiegfried 3 comments
Most Nintendo Video Game Cases Fit In A Shoebox
Zack Starrett fit 28 Nintendo video game cases in a shoebox.
May 03 ZackStarrett 4 comments
Highest Score On "Dig Dug Arrangement" (Xbox 360)
Ryan Sullivan earned 208,150 points on Dig Dug Arrangement for Xbox 360.
May 04 RyanSullivan
Most Goals Achieved On "Pele's Soccer" (Atari 2600)
Ryan Richardson achieved eight successful goals on Pele's Soccer for Atari 2600.
May 04 RyanRichardson 2 comments
Most Goals Achieved On "Pele's Soccer" (Atari 2600)
Ryan Richardson achieved 12 successful goals on Pele's Soccer for Atari 2600.
May 07 RyanRichardson 2 comments
Tallest Single Column TNT Tower In "Minecraft"
Aj Wiggy placed 208 units of TNT in Minecraft in a single column.
May 10 AjWiggy 13 comments
Highest Score On Tetris Game
Michael James earned 6,289 points in Tetris.
May 11 MichaelJames 25 comments
Highest Score On Tetris Game
Matthew Anderson earned 20,154 points in Tetris.
May 15 MatthewAnderson 25 comments
Highest Score On Tetris Game
Philip Swanson earned 27,667 points in Tetris.
May 16 PhilipSwanson 25 comments
Most Consecutive Two-Block Gap Jumps In "Minecraft" (Xbox 360)
Matt Guggenbiller completed 283 two-block gap jumps on Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition.
May 22 MattGuggenbiller 42 comments
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