Longest World Records

3547 Records Found

01:18 India

Longest Time Balancing A Tennis Ball On Top Of A Badminton Racquet Handle On Chin While Holding Lotus Pose

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur balanced a tennis ball on top of a badminton racquet handle on his chin for 43.07 seconds while holding a lotus pose.

03:15 Austria

Longest Word Used In A Song

Andreas Wagner

Andreas Wagner used a 1,185-letter word in a song. The word is the chemical name for Coat Protein, Tobacco Mosaic Virus, Dahlemense Strain. See entire word here.

15:55 Scotland

Longest Wall Sit While Clasping Hands On Chest

William Cannon

William Cannon performed a wall sit while clasping his hands on his chest for 15 minutes, 23.97 seconds.

00:33 India

Longest Time Balancing A Tennis Racquet On Chin While Standing On One Leg

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur balanced a tennis racquet on his chin while standing on one leg for 11.29 seconds

11:59 Scotland

Longest Wall Sit While Carrying A 50-Pound Z-Bell On Lap And Holding Two 22.5-Pound Weight Plates In Both Hands

William Cannon

William Cannon performed a wall sit for eight minutes, 13.96 seconds while carrying a 50-pound Z-bell on his lap and holding two 22.5-pound weight plates in his hands.

03:25 Mexico

Longest Time Immersing Feet In Cold Beer

Ernesto Rivas

Ernesto R. immersed his feet in a container of cold beer for 23.66 seconds.

04:15 Scotland

Longest One-Leg Wall Sit While Holding A 2.5-Kilogram Weight At Shoulder Height

William Cannon

William Cannon performed a one-leg wall sit for three minutes, 16.12 seconds while holding a 2.5-kilogram weight at shoulder height.

16:01 Germany

Longest Time Waiting On A Hotline

Alterazioni Video

Alterazioni waited for 15 minutes, 57.64 seconds before a customer service agent answered him.

01:22 India

Longest Time Balancing A Tennis Racquet On Tip Of Tongue

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur balanced a tennis racquet on the tip of his tongue for 59.81 seconds.

10:22 Scotland

Longest Wall Sit While Carrying A 305-Pound Weight On Back

William Cannon

William Cannon performed a wall sit for 11.64 seconds while carrying a 305-pound weight on his back.

06:28 Italy

Longest Time Standing On One Foot On Top Of A 36-Storey Jenga Tower

Silvio Sabba

Record Setter stood on one foot on top of a 36-storey Jenga tower for one minute, 17.21 seconds.

05:01 Scotland

Longest Wall Sit While Holding A 3.2-Kilogram Sledgehammer At Shoulder Height

William Cannon

William Cannon performed a wall sit for three minutes, 45.34 seconds while holding a 3.2-kilogram sledgehammer at shoulder height.

02:02 Wales

Longest Time Balancing A Cue Stick On Thumb While Stepping On A Stepper Machine

Mark Evans

Mark Evans balanced a cue stick on his thumb for one minute, 30.78 seconds while stepping on a stepper machine.

01:43 India

Longest Time Balancing A Hula Hoop On Nose While Holding Lotus Pose

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur balanced a hula hoop on his nose for one minute, 25.11 seconds while holding a lotus pose.

05:46 Canada

Longest Time Balancing A Football On Top Of A Badminton Racquet Handle On Chin While Kneeling

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman balanced a football on top of a badminton racquet handle on his chin for one minute, 22.69 seconds while kneeling.

02:48 Scotland

Longest Time Balancing A 40-Pound Weight On An Ironing Board Using Both Feet

William Cannon

William C. balanced a 40-pound weight on an ironing board for one minute, 36.02 seconds using both of his feet.

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