Fastest World Records

Many world record holders have proven they're the best by being the fastest. People show off their speed in the areas of sports, music, video games, recitation and much, much more. No matter what your hobby, if you can do it fast, you stand a chance at becoming a global champion. Hurry up and set a world record!

2591 Records Found

08:32 Scotland

Fastest Time To Cycle 0.1 Kilometer Using A Stationary Bike While Carrying A 145-Pound Rucksack And 35-Pound Barbell

William Cannon

William C. cycled 0.1 kilometer in two minutes, 23.00 seconds using a stationary bike while carrying a 145-pound rucksack and a 35-pound barbell.

01:30 South Africa

Fastest Time For Nine People To Flip An 85-Kilogram Tire Five Kilometers

Metro Police Tshwane

Nine members of Tshwane Metro Police flipped an 85-kilogram tire five meters in one hour, 58 minutes.

01:30 South Africa

Fastest Time For Nine People To Flip An 85-Kilogram Tire Five Kilometers

Metro Police Tshwane

Nine members of Tshwane Metro Police flipped an 85-kilogram tire five meters in one hour, 58 minutes.

03:21 Scotland

Fastest Time Ascending And Descending A Two-Step Ladder While Balancing A 12-Pound Barbell On Head

William Cannon

William C. ascended and descended a two-step ladder in one minute, 31.89 seconds while balancing a 12-pound barbell on his head.

01:28 Canada

Fastest Time To Get Five Diamonds In "Minecraft"

Kyle Schwarze

Kyle S. got five diamonds in Minecraft in 34.29 seconds.

00:28 The Internet

Fastest Time To Peel An Orange Using Bare Hands

Noah Avery

Noah A. peeled an orange with his bare hands in 7.60 seconds.

00:54 Ireland

Fastest Time To Hit Olaf In "Snowball Smackdown" (Online)

Joseph Kenneally

Joseph K. hit Olaf in 48.00 seconds in Snowball Smackdown.

02:37 United States

Fastest Time To Put On A Toga And Get Into A Yoga Pose

Ashley and Steph

While hosting an episode of RecordSetter Kids, Ashley put on a toga and get into a yoga pose in 9.06 seconds, a RecordSetter World Record. Want to challenge her record? Have parental guidance and follow all rules listed on this page.

00:16 United States

Fastest Two-Piece Quickscope Kill In "Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare" (Xbox One)

123 123

Mykel C. made a two-piece quickscope kill in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare in 0.10 second.

01:11 Pakistan

Fastest Time To Type A 22-Word Story On A Chatbox By Two Users Under 14 Years Old

Ishaq Newton

Ishaq and his friend alternately typed a 22-word story on a chatbox in 29.72 seconds. They are under 14 years old.

04:25 Scotland

Fastest Time To Run 200 Meters While Carrying A 150-Pound Rucksack

William Cannon

William C. ran 200 meters in one minute, 57.65 seconds while carrying a 150-pound rucksack.

14:37 United States

Fastest "Mickey's Dangerous Chase" Speedrun (Game Boy)


Ryan G. completed a game of Mickey's Dangerous Chase in 12 minutes, 50.00 seconds.

02:26 Scotland

Fastest Time To Stand Up Two Times From Kneeling Position While Balancing A 12-Pound Barbell On Head

William Cannon

William C. stood up two times from kneeling position in one minute, 27.00 seconds while balancing a 12-pound barbell on his head.

05:14 Scotland

Fastest Time To Perform One Full Stroke On A Stationary Rowing Machine While Balancing A 100-Pound Barbell On Head

William Cannon

William C. performed one full stroke on a stationary rowing machine in 46.17 seconds while balancing a 100-pound barbell on his head.

03:44 Scotland

Fastest Time To Sit And Stand While Balancing A 100-Pound Barbell On Head

William Cannon

William C. sat and stood in 26.86 seconds while balancing a 100-pound barbell on his head.

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