Taylor Charles
World Records Held
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Broken World Record Attempts
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Failed World Record Attempts
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Denied World Record Attempts
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Pending World Record Attempts
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Longest Time Hooping With Two Pillows Inside Shirt
Alex's* (I copy>pasted for ease)
Longest Time For Three People To Hacky Sack A 8 1/2" X 11" Piece Of Paper
Ken's* (I copy>pasted it for ease)
Longest Time For Three People To Hacky Sack A 8 1/2" X 11" Piece Of Paper
In Lindsey's Video there is definitely music in the background which is definitely against the rules. It clearly says that no copyrighted material may be allowed in the video and several other videos have been denied because of that exact reason. For fairness reasons you must treat this video as you have others. Otherwise, it is discriminatory.
Longest Time Hooping With Two Pillows Inside Shirt
In Lindsey's Video there is definitely music in the background which is definitely against the rules. It clearly says that no copyrighted material may be allowed in the video and several other videos have been denied because of that exact reason. For fairness reasons you must treat this video as you have others. Otherwise, it is discriminatory. (On the other hand, great music choice. Lol)
Longest Time Hooping Two Hoops While Holding Watermelon Above Head
In Lindsey's Video there is definitely music in the background which is definitely against the rules. It clearly says that no copyrighted material may be allowed in the video and several other videos have been denied because of that exact reason. For fairness reasons you must treat this video as you have others. Otherwise, it is discriminatory.