Aww thanks guys! He's not home right now, I'll be sure to read him the comments when he gets back! He'll be so happy. I remember when I was a bit older than him they'd time me and I could do 6 minutes.. Now it just gives me a headache lol!!
I didn't mean to say I was the record setter. The record setter would be Bryson Finch!!!
I can only do 30 seconds. Wow! Thought this would be much easier!!!! Awesome job.
Longest Head Stand Against A Wall
Aww thanks guys! He's not home right now, I'll be sure to read him the comments when he gets back! He'll be so happy. I remember when I was a bit older than him they'd time me and I could do 6 minutes.. Now it just gives me a headache lol!!
Longest Head Stand Against A Wall
I didn't mean to say I was the record setter. The record setter would be Bryson Finch!!!
Longest "Aflac!"
I can only do 30 seconds. Wow! Thought this would be much easier!!!! Awesome job.