I can guarantee this is not a fake attempt. It's true I start typing at 2 seconds, then I mess up and press the spacebar to reset the clock. I make a second attempt starting at around 4 seconds and get the 1.54s result. The white screen is just poor camera work on my mother's part I'm afraid. Not exactly sure what you're referring to when you say "the ABC's not being typed" when they clearly are.
If you have any more queries or accusations with no backing what-so-ever then be my guest, I'd be happy to answer them.
Expect this record broken in the next 2 weeks. I can finish the entire game in less than 20 minutes and should be able to do this chamber within about 10 seconds.
Fastest Time To Type The English Alphabet
I can guarantee this is not a fake attempt. It's true I start typing at 2 seconds, then I mess up and press the spacebar to reset the clock. I make a second attempt starting at around 4 seconds and get the 1.54s result. The white screen is just poor camera work on my mother's part I'm afraid. Not exactly sure what you're referring to when you say "the ABC's not being typed" when they clearly are.
If you have any more queries or accusations with no backing what-so-ever then be my guest, I'd be happy to answer them.
Fastest Time To Beat Portal Test Chamber 13 Bonus Map
Expect this record broken in the next 2 weeks. I can finish the entire game in less than 20 minutes and should be able to do this chamber within about 10 seconds.
Most Cancer-Related Books Balanced On Head
Surely you could have added tumor books? Get that record up to 8!