They are indeed my nose hairs and mine alone. I started plucking, not cutting, the hairs 09/27/2008. Here's a link to the thread where I started chronicling the record setting feat: You have to be logged in to see the pics, but it's quick and free. I think that the hairs, for future attempts, should be the submitter's to qualify. My own hose hairs were gross enough. I'm not handling anyone else's. LOL
I would like to state, for the record, that the hairs are indeed mine and mine alone. I started "harvesting" them on September 27, 2008 and I think the hairs must be the record setter's own and not donated by friends, which would, you know, be gross.
Largest Nose Hair Collection
They are indeed my nose hairs and mine alone. I started plucking, not cutting, the hairs 09/27/2008. Here's a link to the thread where I started chronicling the record setting feat: You have to be logged in to see the pics, but it's quick and free. I think that the hairs, for future attempts, should be the submitter's to qualify. My own hose hairs were gross enough. I'm not handling anyone else's. LOL
Largest Nose Hair Collection
I would like to state, for the record, that the hairs are indeed mine and mine alone. I started "harvesting" them on September 27, 2008 and I think the hairs must be the record setter's own and not donated by friends, which would, you know, be gross.