Kara P. Adams
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Fastest Time To Write "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country." Twice In Mirror Writing (Right Hand)
Yup, it is an amazing talent, isnt it?
Longest Time To Hold Tongue In A Backwards Bend
I'm impressed, but it's so dark, it's hard to see that it stays back.
Fastest Time To Write "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country." Twice In Mirror Writing (Right Hand)
Wow, that is really cool.. .I'm 38 andhave NEVER met anyone else who could do mirror writing, much less a whole family! Very cool.
Most Questions Asked During A Drive-Thru Visit
He seems like someone who is really happy with his life, a very joyous person. It's so nice to hear, as most people working at a drive through are irritating.
Most Consecutive Days Photographing One Person