How is 109 block tnt tower the lowest tower ever? Very confusing title; what exactly are you trying to do in this video?
god hate when everyone in the comments is saying they beat all the records. RECORD IT MOTHERFU**ER
they can intentionally type that slow
Was thinking the same thing, not really a record.
Most Villagers Spawned In "Minecraft"
Lowest Single Column TNT Tower In "Minecraft"
How is 109 block tnt tower the lowest tower ever? Very confusing title; what exactly are you trying to do in this video?
Most Enemies Killed At Once In "Minecraft"
god hate when everyone in the comments is saying they beat all the records. RECORD IT MOTHERFU**ER
Highest Distance Reached By Flying Straight Up In "Minecraft"
they can intentionally type that slow
Tallest Single Column TNT Tower In "Minecraft"
Was thinking the same thing, not really a record.