" I'm not really a competative guy...I just like to challenge myself and try to do what has never been done. I hope my record attempt's will create joy around me and in the world. No matter how silly it may be sometimes you just need a reason to keep going :) "
potatuh me this and potatuh me that I just don't frickin like your challengers rap. His tatuh is funky and smells like a rotten tatuh sack, kinda moldy and funky dastasteful and gunky. His tatuh's raps ain't fresh they don't mesh copletely lackin style. wack as a tatuh porn; born for scorn, overbaked, lackin the ability to facilitate the fact that his tatuh rhymes got STD's from his head to his knee's. Challenged and thrown down relenquish the crown from that fool rappin bout tatuhs like he can dig em up. He caint even get em up. Tatuh me this and tatuh me that when ya gonna get cho tatuh sack back?
Most Sexual Innuendos In A Potato-Themed Rap Song
potatuh me this and potatuh me that I just don't frickin like your challengers rap. His tatuh is funky and smells like a rotten tatuh sack, kinda moldy and funky dastasteful and gunky. His tatuh's raps ain't fresh they don't mesh copletely lackin style. wack as a tatuh porn; born for scorn, overbaked, lackin the ability to facilitate the fact that his tatuh rhymes got STD's from his head to his knee's. Challenged and thrown down relenquish the crown from that fool rappin bout tatuhs like he can dig em up. He caint even get em up. Tatuh me this and tatuh me that when ya gonna get cho tatuh sack back?