7885 Records Found

02:49 Canada

Most Ice Cream Scoops Balanced on a Cone

charlie jitani

Charlie Jitani scooped 13 scoops of ice cream onto a single cone.

03:22 United States

Most Juggling Clubs Caught

Kyle Johnson

Kyle Johnson caught and held 99 juggling clubs. He went for 100, but dropped one the moment before it was caught.

00:42 The Internet

Most Handstand Jumps On One Arm While Wearing Roller Skates

Diamond Walker

Diamond Walker completed 65 handstand jumps on one arm. The record was set during evian's Live Young, Skate On! event in Miami, Florida. #evianwater

00:07 United Arab Emerates

Most Google Chrome Tabs Open At Once

William Smith

John S. opened 100,022 tabs on his Google Chrome browser at the same time.

00:53 United States

Most People Walked Over While Juggling Torches

Cool Juggler

CoolJuggler walked over eight people while juggling three lit torches.

01:18 United States

Most One Leg Burpee-Pushups In One Minute

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber completed 29 one leg burpee-pushups in one minute.

03:46 United States

Most T-Shirts Fit Inside A Microwave Oven

Art Hoffman

Art Hoffman stuffed 50 t-shirts into a microwave oven and closed the door.


Most Beds Laid On In One Minute

3rd Floor Spruce

Tim Norris laid down on 16 beds in one minute. NOTE: This attempt contains adult language and therefore may not be suitable for some audiences.

01:52 United States

Most Expensive Starbucks Drink

William E. Lewis Jr.

William Lewis Jr. purchased a Starbucks "Super Venti Flat White," a 240-ounce coffee drink for $148.99 US. The drink featured a standard Venti Flat White with an additional 170 shots of espresso, served with coconut milk. The drink contained roughly 11,000 milligrams of caffeine. Read more about the feat here.

01:29 Canada

Most Golf Balls Held In Hand (Palm Down)

Justin Michaud

Justin M. held 10 golf balls in one hand with palm down.

01:16 Slovakia

Most Alternate Index Finger Balloon Taps While Seated In One Minute

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik hit a balloon 218 times in one minute, alternating between index fingers, while sitting.

02:09 United States

Most Catches Juggling Three Hatchets While On A Rola Bola

Jesse Joyner

Jesse J. completed 201 catches juggling three hatchets while on a rola bola. WARNING: This record can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional juggler. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.

00:39 United States

Most Standing Side Flips In 15 Seconds

Justin Holman

Justin Case performed 11 standing side flips in 15 seconds.

05:44 Wales

Tallest Domino Tower Stacked On Forehead

Mark Evans

Mark Evans stacked a tower of 30 dominoes on his forehead.

00:54 United States

Most Bricks Karate Chopped Underwater

Kevin Taylor

Kevin Taylor broke five bricks underwater with his bare hand using just one breath.

01:18 Slovakia

Fastest Time To Perform 100 Side-To-Side V-Squats

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik performed 100 side-to-side V-squats in 15.81 seconds.

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