Most World Records

7883 Records Found

00:18 Chile

Most Consecutive Myachi Hand Loops

Felipe baraona

Felipe B. performed four consecutive Myachi hand loops.

00:30 The Internet

Most Consecutive Catches Juggling Three Playing Cards

David Solomon

David S. completed 88 catches juggling three playing cards.

07:13 The Internet

Longest Three-Person Table Tennis Rally

Dunn Loring

Dunn and his friends passed a table tennis ball 697 times between one another.

01:07 Sweden

Most Reps Curling A 135-Pound Olympic Barbell (Athlete Over 40 Years Old)

Thommy Ohlund

Thommy curled a 135-pound Olympic barbell 25 times. He is over 50 years old.

00:17 India

Most High Kicks Performed In 10 Seconds

Krishan Kumar

Krishan Kumar performed 16 high kicks in 10 seconds.

03:01 Armenia

Most Back Giants Performed On A High Bar In One Minute


David performed 48 back giants on a high bar in one minute.

09:49 India

Most Burning Candles Fit In Mouth

Sajeesh G

Sajeesh G. fit 58 burning candles in his mouth. WARNING: This record can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional stunt performer. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.

00:37 England

Most Consecutive Soccer Ball Crossovers While Seated

Laurent Kelly

Laurent Kelly performed 25 consecutive crossovers using a soccer ball while seated.

03:08 India

Most Consecutive Table Tennis Bounces On A Computer Mouse While Standing On One Leg

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur bounced a table tennis ball on a computer mouse 481 times while standing on one leg.

00:28 India

Most Head Flips In 30 Seconds

Ankit duhan

Ankit D. completed 12 head flips in 30 seconds.

00:43 South Africa

Largest Tattooing Circle

Jacques Jacobs

Jacques J. and three other tattoo artists tattooed each other simultaneously in circular formation, a World Record. The tattoos are Invader Zim tattoos. It took the artists 45 to 60 minutes to finish the tattoos.

01:45 Italy

Most Pistol Squats Performed On Top Of A Person

Silvio Sabba

Record Setter performed 18 pistol squats on top of a person.

01:41 United States

Most Tennis Balls Balanced On Head Of A Tennis Racquet

Jimmy John

Jimmy J. balanced 41 tennis balls on the head of a tennis racquet.

04:29 Australia

Most Blankets Piled On A Person

Hope 103.2

Members of Hope 103.2 piled 47 blankets on top of radio DJ Dan. They set the record as part of Parramatta Mission in which listeners may donate blankets to help Sydney's homeless.

00:02 England

Most Messages In A Facebook Email Thread


Fahi A. created a Facebook email thread that contains 686,739 messages.

04:08 India

Most Consecutive Baseball Bounces On The Barrel Of A Baseball Bat

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur completed 602 consecutive baseball bounces on the barrel of a baseball bat.

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