That would be 0 ms. 00:00:00.000
I want to see less than 1 ms
The number 1 is the lowest natural number, so it's impossible to get any better than that.
596523:14:07.2147483647 596523 hours, 14 minutes, 7.2147483647 seconds 32-bit integer limit!
Fastest Time To Start And Stop An Online Stopwatch
That would be 0 ms. 00:00:00.000
Fastest Time To Start And Stop An Online Stopwatch
I want to see less than 1 ms
Fewest Attempts Needed To Stop iPhone Stopwatch At Exactly 1.0 Seconds
The number 1 is the lowest natural number, so it's impossible to get any better than that.
Most Hours Logged On An iPod Stopwatch
596523:14:07.2147483647 596523 hours, 14 minutes, 7.2147483647 seconds 32-bit integer limit!