Rola Bola World Records

Rola Bola Challenges

544 Records Found

20:01 Italy

Longest Time Balancing On Top Of Two Balance Boards

Silvio Sabba

Record Setter balanced himself on top of two balance boards for 16 minutes, 18.67 seconds.

01:56 Australia

Most Catches Juggling Three Clubs While Swallowing A Sword And Balancing On A Rola Bola

Aerial Manx

Aerial Manx made 20 catches juggling three clubs while swallowing a sword and balancing on a rola bola. NOTE: This record is dangerous and should only be attempted by trained professionals.

01:10 United States

Most "Skill Toys" Used In One Minute

J The Juggler

Japheth G. used 24 different skill toys in one minute. The toys and tricks used include coins, juggling balls, juggling clubs, juggling rings, a pen, hackey sack, cigar boxes, ping pong ball and paddle, hat manipulation, spinning top, paddleball, kendama, contact juggling, bounce juggling, frisbee, spinning plate, basketball, soccerball, stilts, knife throwing, jump rope, unicycle, pogo stick, and a rola bola.

01:56 United States

Longest Time Juggling Machete And An Axe In One Hand While Juggling Two Balls Behind Back And Balancing On A Rola Bola

Cool Juggler

Cool Juggler juggled a machete and an axe in one hand for 44.14 seconds while juggling two balls behind his back and balancing on a rola bola. NOTE: This record is dangerous and should only be attempted by a trained professional.

46:43 Italy

Longest Time Sitting On A Balance Board

Silvio Sabba

Record Setter sat on a balance board for 45 minutes, 52.89 seconds.

04:26 United States

Longest Time Displaying The Olympic Rings With Five Juggling Rings Using Mouth And Hands While Balancing On A Rola Bola

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey stood on a rola bola for four minutes, 4.25 seconds while making the Olympic rings with juggling rings using his mouth and hands.

00:15 United States

Most Balls Juggled While Standing On A Rola Bola

Kyle Johnson

Kyle Johnson juggled eight balls while standing on a rola bola.

01:29 United States

Most Consecutive Catches Juggling Five Clubs While Balancing On A Rola Bola

Kyle Johnson

Kyle Johnson made 273 consecutive catches while juggling five clubs and balancing on a rola bola.

00:34 United States

Longest Time Juggling Two Balls With One Hand While Bouncing Two Table Tennis Balls On A Paddle And Balancing On A Rola Bola

Cool Juggler

CoolJuggler juggled two balls on one hand for 20.62 seconds while bouncing two table tennis balls on a paddle and balancing on a rola bola.

01:58 New Zealand

Longest Time Swallowing A Sword While Balanced On A Rola Bola

Nick Steward

Nick Steward swallowed a sword for one minute, 36.41 seconds while balancing on a rola bola.

03:13 United States

Most Catches While Juggling Five Balls And Balancing On A Rola Bola

Thom Wall

Thom Wall made 824 consecutive catches while juggling five balls and balancing on a rola bola.

03:26 United States

Longest Time To Balance A Glass Of Water On A Broom In Each Hand While Standing On A Rola Bola

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey balanced a glass of water on a broom in each hand while standing on a rola bola for one minute, 30.50 seconds.

11:57 India

Most Passes Of A Baseball Through Legs While Balancing On A Rola Bola

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur passed a baseball through his legs 652 times while balancing on a rola bola.

00:31 England

Most Consecutive Catches Juggling Six Rings On A Rola Bola

Norbi Whitney

Norbi W. completed 30 consecutive catches juggling six rings while balancing on a rola bola.

01:10 India

Most Catches Juggling Three Balls In One Minute While On Balancing Board


Jaykishan completed 252 catches juggling three balls in one minute while on a balancing board.

01:06 India

Most Basketball Dribbles In 45 Seconds While Kneeling On A Rola Bola

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur dribbled a basketball 239 times in 45 seconds while kneeling on a rola bola.

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