Longest World Records

3547 Records Found

00:21 The Internet

Longest Handstand On A Swiss Ball Against A Wall

Tyler Decker

Tyler D. performed a handstand on a Swiss ball for 14.53 seconds against a wall.

01:10 The Internet

Longest Handstand On A Tennis Court

Michael Louis

Michael L. performed a handstand on a tennis court for one minute, 3.27 seconds.

01:41 Canada

Longest Handstand On A Trampoline

Patrice Painchaud

Patrice P. performed a handstand on a trampoline for one minute, 27.47 seconds.

01:09 The Internet

Longest Handstand On An Inclined Mat

Michael Louis

Michael L. performed a handstand on an inclined mat for one minute, 7.31 seconds.

02:06 Australia

Longest Handstand On Broken Glass While Swallowing A Sword

Aerial Manx

Aerial Manx performed a handstand on broken glass for 8.47 seconds while swallowing a sword. NOTE: This record is dangerous and should only be attempted by trained professionals.

01:41 The Internet

Longest Handstand On Circus Hand Balancing Canes

Michael Louis

Michael L. performed a handstand on circus hand balancing canes for one minute, 35.35 seconds.

01:04 United States

Longest Handstand On Fingertips

Damani Jones

Damani J. performed a handstand on his fingertips. He remained balanced in position for one minute, 2.12 seconds.

02:17 United States

Longest Handstand On Parallel Bars

Kirsten Van

Kirsten V. performed a handstand on parallel bars for two minutes, 9.63 seconds.

02:42 The Internet

Longest Handstand On Parallel Bars Over A Bed Of Nails

Michael Louis

Michael L. performed a handstand on parallel bars over a bed of nails for one minute, 18.30 seconds. NOTE: This record can be dangerous and should only be attempted by trained professionals.

02:56 The Internet

Longest Handstand On Parallel Bars Over A Person

Michael Louis

Michael Louis performed a handstand on parallel bars over a person for 49.56 seconds.

03:58 The Internet

Longest Handstand On Parallel Bars Over Broken Glass

Michael Louis

Michael Louis performed a handstand on parallel bars over broken glass for 56.06 seconds.

01:18 The Internet

Longest Handstand On Top Of A Mountain

Michael Louis

Michael L. performed a handstand on top of a mountain for one minute, 17.12 seconds. He performed the feat at Garret Mountain Reservation, located in Woodland Park, NJ. Michael performed the record at a spot approximately 500 feet above sea level.

01:30 The Internet

Longest Handstand On Two Separate Gymnastics Mats

Michael Louis

Michael L. performed a handstand on two separate gymnastics mats for one minute, 29.68 seconds.

03:51 Canada

Longest Handstand Performed On Sanson's Peak

Darryl Learie

Darryl Learie performed a handstand on Sanson's Peak, Sulphur Mountain for 26.03 seconds. The peak has an elevation of 7,402 feet with 78% of available oxygen.

03:32 The Internet

Longest Handstand Walk In One Minute Using Crutches

Tameru Zegeye

Athlete Tameru Zegeye performed a handstand walk 76 meters in distance with his hands on crutches. Olympic runner Mohammed Aman, Keith Bowers of BBC, Natalie Miller of Africa for Operation Smile and Hannah Gibson of Jhpiego were present to witness the attempt. Tameru dreams to perform and travel with Cirque Du Soleil. Learn more about him here.

01:58 United States

Longest Handstand While Balancing A Book On Feet

Mallory Armstrong

Mallory A. performed a handstand for one minute, 40.44 seconds while balancing a book on her feet.

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