Longest World Records

3547 Records Found

00:28 The Internet

Longest White Chest Hair

John Tarbox

John Tarbox has a white chest hair measuring seven inches long.

00:19 Brazil

Longest Windows 8 Uptime

Luiz Fernando

Luiz's computer had a Windows 8 uptime of 583 days, 18 hours, 3 minutes.

01:21 Australia

Longest Wooden Block Bridge Held Between Hands

Jake Gargiulo

Jake G. made a bridge of 30 blocks between his hands.

03:15 Austria

Longest Word Used In A Song

Andreas Wagner

Andreas Wagner used a 1,185-letter word in a song. The word is the chemical name for Coat Protein, Tobacco Mosaic Virus, Dahlemense Strain. See entire word here.

03:15 The Internet

Longest World Record Attempt Cut Short By An Act Of Nature

Ed Heemskerk

Ed Heemskerk planned to play Q*Bert for 100 hours on a single coin and set a world record for Longest Time Playing a Video Game Using One Quarter. After 56.5 hours, a power surge caused by an electrical storm brought unexplained death to Heemskerk's on-screen player and somehow reset the game. Read more about the unfortunate feat here.


Longest Worm Dance In A Shower

Kevin Brennan

Kevin Brennan did the worm dance in a shower, traveling a total distance of 609 inches (over 50 feet). Brennan achieved the feat at the 2011 Sasquatch Music Festival in George, Washington. The record was set inside got2b’s World’s Biggest Shower[], a featured festival attraction. [#SMF01][]

10:21 India

Longest Written Song Request Played On A Live Radio Broadcast

Ninad Jadhav

Ninad J. wrote a 21.10-meter song request to an FM radio station. He wrote the request to celebrate the birthday of his favorite actor, Shammi Kapoor Jee. He used a total of more than 70 sheets of A4 bond paper.

04:03 The Internet

Longest Yodel Note Sung By A 90-Year-Old

Paul Belanger

90-year-old Paul Belanger sang a yodel note for 20.38 seconds. He was accompanied by Mr. David Anderson.

01:04 Hungary

Longest Yoga Pose Held On A Moving Escalator

Lőrinc Polivka

Lőrinc P. held a yoga pose for 39.10 seconds while riding on a moving escalator.

15:50 United States

Longest YouTube Video

Jonathan H

Jonathan Harchick uploaded a video to YouTube that is 596 hours, 31 minutes and 21 seconds in length.

01:56 Canada

Most 16-Ounce Water Bottles Balanced On A Pole On Right Ear While Kneeling

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman balanced five 16-ounce water bottles on a pole on his right ear while kneeling.

00:49 The Internet

Most Blinks In 15 Seconds While Sitting Next To A Toy Lamb Dressed As Batman And Holding A Fake Kitten In Left Hand

Kelli Stienke

Kelli S. blinked 182 times in 15 seconds while sitting next to a toy lamb dressed as Batman and holding a fake kitten in her left hand.

11:46 Canada

Most Body Parts On Which To Balance 12 Golf Balls On Top Of A Pole

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman balanced 12 golf balls on top of a pole on ten body parts: his forehead, nose, chin, right ear, left thumb, right thumb, back of left hand, back of right hand, left wrist, and right wrist. This is McManaman's 1000th world record. Charlie Weeks of Oxford Journal, Ron Bickle of 107.9 FM, Carl Mcmanaman, Johnathan Macinnis of CTV News, Duncan Carter, and Trevor Gaillard were present to witness the attempt. News story here.

02:05 Canada

Most Canadian Flags Balanced On Chin While Kneeling

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman balanced 47 Canadian flags on his chin while kneeling.

02:29 Canada

Most Canadian Flags Balanced On Chin While Sitting

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman balanced 50 Canadian flags on his chin while sitting.

08:08 Canada

Most Canadian Flags Balanced On Chin While Standing

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman balanced 50 Canadian flags on his chin while standing.

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