Most High Fives Received While Balancing A Golf Putter On Chin

Most Golf Balls Fit Inside A Shirt While Wearing It

Most Consecutive Straight Arm And Leg Hanging L-Lifts

Most Trampoline Front Flips In One Minute

Most Front Aerials Performed While Holding Two Canadian Flags

Most Grapefruits Held In One Hand At Once

Most Grapes Fit In Closed Mouth

Most Table Tennis Ball Bounces On A Paddle In 15 Seconds While Wearing Socks On Hands

Most Table Tennis Ball Bounces Into A Plastic Cup In 15 Seconds While Wearing Sunglasses

Most Cotton Buds Put In Mouth In 10 Seconds

Longest Successful Basketball Shot While Sword Swallowing

Tallest Object Balanced On Forehead While Juggling

Most Cricket Balls Juggled With One Hand

Most CDs Stacked On A Ball In 30 Seconds