Most One-Armed Presses In One Minute Using A 111-Pound Dumbbell

Most Piggyback Rides Given To A Group Of Friends

Largest Soda Can Collection

Most Sips Of Eggnog In 30 Seconds While Listening To Neil Diamond

Most Wooden Planks Crafted In "Minecraft"

Most Reps One-Board Bench Pressing A 445-Pound Barbell

Most Reps Bench Pressing A 315-Pound Barbell (Athlete Over 40 Years Old)

Most Reps Bench Pressing A 375-Pound Barbell (Athlete Over 40 Years Old)

Most Concrete Blocks Broken On Body In 30 Seconds While Lying On A Bed Of Nails

Deepest Insertion Of Drumstick Into Mouth

Most Direct Strokes To A Punching Bag In 20 Seconds While Holding Two 1-Kilogram Dumbbells

Most Money Earned In "Rock N' Roll Racing" (SNES)

Most Direct Strokes To A Punching Dummy In 30 Seconds While Holding Two 1-Kilogram Dumbbells

Most Wooden Clothespins Held In One Hand In One Minute