Endurance World Records

61 Records Found

01:34 France

Most Panama Kicks In One Minute

Guillaume Bourgeois

Guillaume Bourgeois completed 122 [panama kicks][1] in one minute. [1]: http://lineout.thestranger.com/files/2008/01/dave_kick.jpg

17:40 United States

Most People Performing Burpee Exercises With One Person

Lloyd Weema

Lloyd W. performed burpee exercises with 2,014 different people.

01:09:48 United States

Most People To Perform Burpee Exercises With One Person In 10 Days

Lloyd Weema

Lloyd W. performed burpee exercises with 1,000 different people in 10 days. He set the record during the 2013 Reebok CrossFit Games.

20:00 United States

Most Punching Bag Punches In 20 Minutes

Howard Barber

Howard B. punched a punching bag 7,259 times in 20 minutes.

01:06 United States

Most Reps Squatting 370-Pound Weight Using A Cambered Squat Bar

Clint Poore

Clint Poore completed eight reps squatting 370-pound weight using a cambered squat bar.

32:39 United States

Most Sit-Ups In 30 Minutes

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber completed 1,032 sit-ups in 30 minutes.

06:01:46 Bulgaria

Most Squats In Six Hours

Radi Milev “65 years old”

Radi Milev completed 13,029 squats in six hours. He set the record to commemorate the anniversary of the death of Bulgarian national hero Vasil Levski.

11:17 Finland

Most Steps Taken In 31 Days Using "Nintendo Personal Trainer: Walking"

Pekka Luodeslampi

Pekka Luodeslampi walked a total of 1,560,554 steps in 31 days. He began on April 19, 2010 and finished May 19, 2010 averaging over 50,000 steps per day. He used the Nintendo Personal Trainer: Walking program to monitor his daily steps.

10:30 United States

Most Strict Chest-Touching-Ground Reptile Push-Ups In 10 Minutes

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber performed 186 chest-touching-ground reptile push-ups in 10 minutes.

01:04 United States

Most Tandem Single-Rope Jumps In One Minute

Sean Goldsmith

Sean Goldsmith and Doug Williams completed 132 tandem jump ropes in one minute.

03:25 United States

Most Tandem Single-Rope Jumps While Listening to "It's Tricky"

Andrea D'Attanasio

Phil Covitz and Andrea D’Attanasio complete a world record 111 tandem single-rope jumps during the duration of the Run-D.M.C. song, ’It’s Tricky[]’. Jumps where they tripped or stumbled over the rope were not counted. The couple set the record on March 25, 2009 at a World Record Appreciation Society[] event held at Pianos in New York City. Dan Rollman and Corey Henderson were present as witnesses. [#WRAS05][]

00:36 United States

Most Tandem Stationary Stair Steps In 30 Seconds

Chris Ryan

Chris Ryan and Zoe Munson completed a combined total of 140 stationary stair steps in 30 seconds.

00:19 United States

Most Vertical Feet Skied Uphill In 24 Hours (Female)

Dina Mishev

Dina Mishev climbed 34,546 feet in 24 hours, a new world record. Using climbing skins, she repeatedly trekked up a 1502-foot trail, checking in with officials at the top off the trail, before skiing down and checking in with officials at the bottom. She did this 23 times in 24 hours. The record was set on February 8, 2009 during the 24 Hour Sunlight Challenge at the Sunlight Mountain Resort in Glenwood Springs, Colorado. tag:RecordSetterBook01

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