Longest World Records

3547 Records Found

09:42 Australia

Longest "Hand to Hand" With Sword Swallowed

Aerial Manx

Aerial Manx and Hemlock Merjarne performed a “hand to hand” for 7.89 seconds while Manx held a swallowed sword in his mouth.

09:56 Australia

Longest Chinese Pole Suicide Drop With Sword Swallowed

Aerial Manx

Aerial Manx performed a three-meter Chinese pole suicide drop while swallowing a sword. NOTE: This record is dangerous and should only be attempted by trained professionals.

03:02 United States

Longest Time Juggling Three Five-Pound Balls While Walking On An Elliptical Exercise Machine

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey juggled three five-pound balls while walking on an elliptical exercise machine for one minute, 26.82 seconds.

02:16 United States

Longest Time Juggling Three Five-Pound Balls

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey juggled three five-pound ballsfor one minute, 44.78 seconds.

04:30 Canada

Longest Extended Plank On Fists While Carrying One's Body Weight

Darryl Learie

Darryl Learie performed a [plank exercise][1] on his fists with his arms fully extended while carrying additional 182 pounds of weight on his back, which is equivalent to his own body weight. [1]: http://exercise.about.com/od/abs/ss/abexercises_10.htm

03:29 Australia

Longest Time To Balance On Hands With Neon Tube Swallowed

Aerial Manx

Aerial Manx balanced on his hands for 3.86 seconds while swallowing a neon tube. NOTE: This record is dangerous and should only be attempted by trained professionals.

05:06 Canada

Longest Time To Balance Three Golf Clubs And A Samurai Sword On Palm Of Hand

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman balanced three golf clubs and a samurai sword on the palm of his hand for three minutes, 20.25 seconds.

07:41 Canada

Longest Time To Balance Four Golf Clubs On The Back Of The Hand

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman balanced four golf clubs on the back of his hand for 10.26 seconds.

02:27 Canada

Longest Time To Balance A Cup Of Coffee On Top Of A Pool Cue Handle On Ear

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman balanced a cup of coffee on top of a pool cue handle on his ear for one minute, 2.46 seconds. NOTE: This record can be dangerous. Please use proper safety precautions.

05:03 Canada

Longest Time To Balance Three Golf Clubs On Palm

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman balanced three golf clubs on his palm for two minutes, 22.22 seconds.

04:43 Canada

Longest Time To Balance Three Golf Clubs On Thumb

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman balanced three golf clubs on his thumb for two minutes, 16.17 seconds.

10:21 Canada

Longest Time To Balance A RecordSetter T-Shirt On Chin

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman balanced a RecordSetter t-shirt on his chin for three minutes, 15.92 seconds.

06:52 Canada

Longest Time To Balance A Walking Cane On The Tip Of The Thumb

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman balanced a walking cane on tip of his thumb for six minutes, 13.50 seconds.


Longest Ho-Ho-Ho Line

BC Housing Development Services

A total of 26 people from BC Housing Development Services said Ho-Ho-Ho continuously for two minutes, 35.80 seconds.

01:49 Canada

Longest Time To Balance A Toy Snowman On Forehead

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman balanced a toy snowman on his forehead for one minute, 0.4 seconds.

01:39 The Internet

Longest Song Played On A Rape Whistle

Jessica Delfino

Jessica Delfino played a song on her rape whistle for one minute, 12.31 seconds during a stop on the RecordSetter book tour. She set the record at powerHouse Books in Brooklyn, NY during a RecordSetter LIVE! event. RecordSetter founders Dan Rollman and Corey Henderson presided over the attempt.

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