Physical World Records

133 Records Found

01:15 United States

Most Consecutive Jumps Over One's Own Leg

Josh Graber

Josh Graber displays tremendous leaping fortitude by jumping over his own leg an unprecedented 19 consecutive times. Graber never let go of his non-jumping foot while setting the record.

10:46 United States

Most Push-Ups In 24 Hours

Charles Servizio

Charles Servizio completed 46,001 push-ups in 24 hours.

01:25 India

Fastest Time For A 5-Year Old To Complete 70 Push-Ups

Ronak Vitha

Ronak Vitha completed 70 push-ups in 54.49 seconds at the age of five.

00:43 India

Fastest Time For A 5-Year Old To Complete 50 Push-Ups

Ronak Vitha

Ronak Vitha completed 50 push-ups in 29.28 seconds at the age of five.

01:13 United States

Fastest Time To Climb Old Rag Mountain

Dan Morrison

Dan Morrison of Citizen Effect and three friends climbed 3291 feet from the base of Old Rag Mountainto its peak in 90 minutes.

01:23 The Internet

Most Times To Climb A Five-Meter Rope In One Minute

Marcus Bondi

Marcus Bondi climbed a five-meter rope five times in 60 seconds.

01:53 United States

Most Consecutive Curls With A 50-Pound Curl Bar While On A Rola Bola

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey completed 19 barbell curls with a 50-pound curl bar while on a rola bola.

01:39 United States

Most 20-Pound Side Lateral Raises While On A Rola Bola

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey completed 11 side lateral raises with 20-pound dumbbells while on a rola bola.

02:33 England

Fastest Time To Walk 30 Miles While Carrying A 76-Pound Backpack

Paddy Doyle

Paddy Doyle walked 30 miles along the Grand Union Canal while carrying a 76-pound back pack in 10 hours and 37 seconds. Though his pack was 76 pounds and he walked an additional 300 meters, the weight and distance have been standardized. The record benefited the Help For Heroes charity. He was supported throughout by British Military Fitness instructors, martial arts boxing students from clubs around the Midlands and avid supporters. Read more about Doyle here.

04:32 The Internet

Most Alternating Eyebrow Raises In One Minute

Caspar Schlickum

Caspar Schlickum twitched his eyebrows alternately 226 times in one minute, a new world record. Schlickum performed the feat at Stream 2010, a new media conference held in Athens, Greece on October 2, 2010.

03:30 The Internet

Most Consecutive Left Eyebrow Raises

iD Tech Camp - UC Irvine

01:15 United States

Most Trombone Pretzels In One Minute

Craig Baldo

Craig Baldo completed five trombone pretzels in one minute. Baldo set the record at a World Record Appreciation Society event held at Joe’s Pub in New York City. Dan Rollman and Corey Henderson were present as witnesses. [#WRAS14][]

02:41 United States

Most Consecutive Twists On A BreakBoard By An Active Mayor

Antonio Villaraigoso

Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigoso completed 50 consecutive twists on a BreakBoard.

01:13 United States

Most Bench Presses Of A Live Dog In One Minute

Eliot Glazer

Eliot Glazer bench pressed his dog Atticus 53 times in 60 seconds. The record was set at a St. Patrick’s-themed World Record Appreciation Society[] event held at Joe’s Pub in New York City. Dan Rollman and Corey Henderson were present as witnesses. No animals were harmed during the setting of this record. [#WRAS13][] tag:RecordSetterBook01

04:36 United States

Highest Wedgie

Todd DeFazio

Todd DeFazio received a wedgie measuring 22 inches in height. The measurement was taken from the top point of his underwear to his belt line. He performed the feat live on-air in the Star 100.7

01:36 United States

Longest Time To 'Superman' An Ex-Girlfriend

Demi Tzanis

Demi Tzanisused her feet to balance ex-girlfriend Paige Herbert in the ‘Superman’ postion above her body for 60.91 seconds.

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