Kids World Records

402 Records Found

00:05 The Internet

Most Cartwheels In Five Seconds

adam bates

Adam's daughter performed five cartwheels in five seconds.

00:15 The Internet

Most Drum Beats By A Baby In 15 Seconds

Cody Mischler

Cody's daughter beat her toy drum 13 times in 15 seconds.

09:03 The Internet

Most "Barrel Of Monkeys" Monkeys Hanging On An Ear

Matt Zimmerle

Matt Z. hung 32 Barrel of Monkeys' monkeys from his ear.

00:37 Australia

Most Over-The-Back Hacky Sack Catches

Marcus Brims

Marcus B. completed 25 over-the-back hacky sack catches.

01:09 The Internet

Largest Group Of People Dressed As Cartoon Characters In A Parade

Kade Hill

Kade Hill led 89 students from the Maine Arts Camp in a parade while dressed as cartoon characters.

00:17 The Internet

Most Times For Two People To Simultaneously Open And Close Hands In 10 Seconds

Connor Copley

Connor Copley and his friend simultaneously opened and closed their hands 44 times in 10 seconds

01:29 The Internet

Longest Telephone Game

Zebual Zimmerman

Residents of Eisenhower and Grissom Halls at the State University of New York at Fredonia played a game of telephone, sending a message a distance of 260 feet. Each phone string is 20 feet long.


Most Times For A Six-Year-Old To Spin A Hula Hoop

Emily McManaman

Emily McManaman spun a hula hoop two times in five seconds.

02:10 The Internet

Youngest Person To Solve Three Multiplication Tables


Two-year-old Siddhu correctly solved the 2, 3, and 5 multiplication tables. He can also count from 1 to 1,000 and can add any two numbers between 1 to 100.

00:48 England

Fastest Time To Rap The First And Second Verse Of "Boyfriend" By Justin Bieber

Weronika Sikorska

Weronika S. rapped the first and second verse of Boyfriend by Justin Bieber in 12.55 seconds.

00:26 United States

Fastest Time To Build A Five Car Lego Train

xander fowlkes

Xander F. built a five-car Lego train in 5.53 seconds.

01:04 United States

Most Stuffed Animals Punted Over A Wall In One Minute

Andy Hanscom

Andy's brother, Jon, punted over 22 stuffed animals over a wall in one minute.

01:05 United States

Most Seated Punches By Eight Kids In One Minute

Kevin Taylor

Kevin Taylor's martial arts students threw 1,749 punches in one minute while sitting down.

00:11 United States

Most People Hopping On One Leg While Rubbing Belly, Tapping Head, And Chanting "Oompa Loompa" At Once

Jeremy Johnson

Jeremy J. led 30 sixth grade GT students in hopping on one leg while rubbing their bellies, tapping their heads and chanting "Oompa Loompa" at once.

00:13 United States

Youngest Person To Break A Piece Of Wood Using Bare Hand

Luke Taylor

Luke, Kevin Taylor's son, broke a piece of wood using his bare hand. He is only two years old.

00:39 India

Most People Blowing Soap Water Bubbles At Once

spkschools namakkal

1,296 students from SPK Schools in Namakkal, India blew soap water bubbles at once. Dr. S.Prabu Kumar, chairman of the school institution, organized the record.

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