Kids World Records

402 Records Found

00:34 United States

Most Side Battements Performed In 15 Seconds

craig mahoney

Record Setter performed 12 side battements in 15 seconds.

01:25 India

Fastest Time To Recite First 500 Digits Of Pi While Blindfolded

Gnani Reddy Katukoori

Gnani Reddy Katukoori recited the first 500 digits of pi while blindfolded in one minute, 13.45 seconds.

01:38 Canada

Longest Time For An Eight-Year-Old To Play Fiddle While Someone Is Balancing A Mechanical Man On Chin While Kneeling

Katie Mcilvena

Eight-year-old Katie played fiddle for 56.50 seconds while Doug McManaman balanced a mechanical dancing man on his chin while kneeling.

01:09 United States

Most Hockey Pucks Stacked On One Hand (Junior)

Kim neisn

Kim N. stacked 17 hockey pucks in his hand.

01:46 Sweden

Most Ginger Bread Cookie Containers Carried From A Store Shelf To The Cashier (Junior)

Noa Ohlund

Noa O. carried eight ginger bread cookie containers from the store shelf to the cashier. He is six years old.

01:26 The Internet

Tallest Qubits Toy Tower

Mark Burginger

Mark Burginger and the 6th grade Wadsworth STEM Academy students built a Qubits toy tower 169 inches in height using a total of 6,950 pieces of Qubits toys. They set the record during Dr. Seuss Night at Wadsworth Elementary School in Palm Coast, Florida.

05:42 United States

Longest Time Balancing A Toy Sword On One Finger

Vito O.

Vito O. balanced a toy sword on his finger for five minutes, 3.62 seconds.

27:20 United States

Most Behind-The-Back Basketball Dribbles In 25 Minutes (Junior)

Stepan R

Stepan R. dribbled a basketball behind his back 2,150 times in 25 minutes. He is 10 years old.

01:12 Sweden

Longest Time Holding Body Up On Parallel Bars (Junior)

Noa Ohlund

Noa O. held his body up on parallel bars for one minute, 1.57 seconds. He is seven years old.

00:33 Sweden

Heaviest Handle Deadlift (Junior)

Noa Ohlund

Noa O. performed a handle deadlift using two weight plates that weighs a total of 50 kilos. He is seven years old.

05:04 Canada

Most Kids Leaping On A Leap Day

Teal Beattie

Jack, Finn, Molly and 19 of their friends leaped at once on a leap day.

02:15 India

Most National Flags Named By A Two-Year-Old

Sharan Janarthanan

Sharan Janarthanan's son, Dhev, named 91 national flags. He is two years old.

01:30 United States

Longest Time Balancing A Hand Sanitizer On Head While Clipper Plugging Nose And Wearing Four Pairs Of Sunglasses And Wolf Ears


Nicky R. balanced a hand sanitizer on her head for 17.98 seconds while clipper plugging her nose and wearing four pairs of sunglasses and wolf ears.

04:29 The Internet

Youngest PhD Student In Politics Department

Eugenie de Silva

15-year-old Eugenie de Silva is studying for her doctorate degree in the politics and international relations department at the University of Leicester in the United Kingdom. Read more about her accomplishments here.

01:41 The Internet

Fastest Time To Knock Over 25 WWE Wrestling Action Figures Using A Tiny WWE Wrestling Action Figure

Joey DiFlumera

Joey D. knocked over 25 WWE wrestling action figures in 6.83 seconds using a tiny WWE wrestling action figure.

02:09 United States

Longest Time Hopping On One Leg While Holding A Jell-O Cup

Tina Jones

Tina J. led a kid in hopping on one leg for two minutes, 1.14 seconds while holding a Jell-O cup.

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