Verbal World Records

267 Records Found

00:25 The Internet

Most Superheroes Named In 15 Seconds

Matthew Allen

Matthew A. named 21 superheroes in 15 seconds.

01:02 The Internet

Most Swears In 30 Seconds [ADULT]

Todd Lamb

Todd Lamb said 11 unique swears in 30 seconds. He stated a list of six “core swear words,” and then made his own unique swear phrases, incorporating words from the list. Lamb set the record at a World Record Appreciation Society event held at Joe’s Pub in New York City. Dan Rollman and Corey Henderson were present as witnesses. [#WRAS18][] NOTE: This record has adult language.

19:25 The Internet

Most Times For An Xtranormal Character To Say "Blastkipz" In One Video

Craig Dunton

Craig Dunton’s Xtranormal character said “Blastkipz” 1357 times in a single video.

00:32 The Internet

Most Times For Three People To Say "Butter" In Sequential Order In 20 Seconds

Bryson Pennock

Bryson Pennock, Spencer Merrifield and Bryan Hoffman said “butter” 74 times in sequential order in 20 seconds.

01:30 England

Most Times Reciting "Mrs. Smith's Fish Sauce Shop" In 30 Seconds

Stuart Duggan

Stuart Duggan recited the tongue twister “Mrs. Smith’s Fish Sauce Shop” 18 times in 30 seconds. He broke the record live in the Bright FM studio during the Bailey @ Breakfast show. #RecordSetterBook01

00:45 United States

Most Times Reciting "Nama-Mugi Nama-Gome Nama-Tamago" In 30 Seconds

Philip Cotsford

Philip Cotsford recited the Japanese tongue twister "Nama-mugi nama-gome nama-tamago[]“18 times in 30 seconds. The saying translates in English to”Raw wheat, raw rice, raw egg." The record was set at a World Record Appreciation Society event held at Joe’s Pub in New York City. Dan Rollman and Corey Henderson were present as witnesses. [#WRAS14][]

01:39 United States

Most Times Reciting Alphabet Backwards In One Minute

Matthew Jackson

Matthew J. recited the English alphabet backwards 26 times in one minute.

00:38 The Internet

Most Times Saying "Go New York, Go New York, Go!" Back And Forth Between Two People At A New York Knicks Game

Jonathan Gass

Jonathan and his friend said "Go New York, Go New York, Go!" back and forth 12 times at a New York Knicks game.

01:18 Argentina

Most Times Saying "Buy Me MGS V" While Staring At An Apple Juice Carton

Monkena Epato

Monkena E. said "buy me MGS V" 38 times while staring at an apple juice carton.

00:44 Scotland

Most Times Saying "Cancer Sucks" In 15 Seconds

Mairi Weir

Mairi W. said, “Cancer sucks” 25 times in 15 seconds.

00:24 United States

Most Times Saying "Egg Shells" In 10 Seconds


Ethan H. said "egg shells" 23 times in 10 seconds.

00:13 United States

Most Times Saying "Friday" In 12 Seconds

Troy Barger

Troy B. said "Friday" 52 times in 12 seconds.

00:10 India

Most Times Saying "Go Pets" In 10 Seconds

Mamta Sharma

Mamta S. said "Go Pets" 28 times in 10 seconds.

00:29 The Internet

Most Times Saying "Gobble" In 10 Seconds

Joey DiFlumera

Joey D. said "gobble" 36 times in 10 seconds.

03:28 United States

Most Times Saying "Happy Birthday" To Someone In 10 Seconds On Their 32nd Birthday

Normandy Rindahl

Normandy R. said "Happy Birthday" 16 times in 10 seconds to someone celebrating their 32nd birthday.

00:53 United States

Most Times Saying "Hello" In 12 Seconds

Normandy Rindahl

Normandy R. said "Hello" 39 times in 12 seconds.

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