Tower World Records

316 Records Found

United States

Tallest Starburst Tower Stacked On A Juggling Ball

Vito O.

Viktor O. stacked 10 Starburst candies on a juggling ball.

01:32 United States

Tallest Starburst Tower Stacked On Forehead

Sebastian Ledesma

Sebastian L. built a Starburst tower nine pieces high on his forehead.

08:06 The Internet

Tallest Styrofoam Cup Tower

Cam Blair

Cam B. stacked 21 Styrofoam 16-ounce cups on top of each other end-to-end.

00:34 The Internet

Tallest Styrofoam Cup Tower Balanced On Chin

Chris Swed

Chris S. balanced a tower of 210 styrofoam cups on his chin.

05:18 Slovakia

Tallest Tangerine Tower

Peter Durdik

Peter Durdik stacked seven tangerines in a tower.

02:23 Australia

Tallest Tissue Box Tower Balanced Vertically On Thumb While Seated


Brendan Kelbie balanced five tissue boxes stacked vertically on his thumb while seated.

03:09 Belgium

Tallest Toilet Paper Roll Tower Held In Hand


Frederic D. held 17 toilet paper rolls in one hand. He set the record for Sziget Festival.

09:02 Slovakia

Tallest Toilet Paper Tower

Pavol Durdik

Pavol D. built a tower using 28 rolls of toilet paper.

00:57 Canada

Tallest Toothpick Tower

Mya Williams

Mya W. built a tower of toothpicks 210 stories in height.

00:59 United States

Tallest Tower Of Fortune Cookie Fortunes Balanced On One Finger

Vito O.

Viktor O. balanced a tower of 14 fortune cookie fortunes on his finger.

00:41 United States

Tallest Tower Of GameCube Games Held In Hand

jordan richter

Jordan R. held a tower of 63 GameCube games in one hand.

00:34 United States

Tallest Tower Of Humans Wearing One Sock Each And Brushing Teeth While Listening To "Thriller"

iD Tech Camp Villanova

Seven attendees of iD Tech Camp - Villanova each put on one sock, brushed their teeth and climbed into a tower formation, all while listening to Thriller. [#iDTech][]

07:00 The Internet

Tallest Tower Of Open Hardcover Books

andrea watson

Andrea and her friend stacked 42 open hardcover books.

00:29 United States

Tallest Tower Of Paper Currency Stacked Vertically

Tai Star

Tai Star stacked five bills vertically in a tower.

00:57 United States

Tallest Tower Of Ring Pulls Balanced On One Finger

Vito O.

Viktor O. balanced 21 ring pulls on his finger.

00:49 United States

Tallest Tower Of Roll-Up Measuring Tapes Balanced On Two Fingers

Vito O.

Viktor O. balanced three roll-up measuring tapes on his two fingers.

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