Stacking World Records

423 Records Found

01:15 The Internet

Tallest Crabapple Tower

Erik Rudolph

Erik R. stacked five crabapples in a tower.

01:33 The Internet

Fastest Time To Do 10 Sets Of One-Handed 3-6-3 Speed Stacking Alternating Between Right And Left Hands


ASM completed 10 sets of 3–6–3 speed stacking using one hand at a time and alternating between his right and left hands in one minute, 0.35 second.

00:15 United States

Most Times To Stack Eight-Ounce Cups Using Breath

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey used his breath to stack one eight-ounce cup on another eight-ounce cup four times.

00:14 United States

Fewest Times To Blow Four Cups Individually From One Cup To Another Cup

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey blew four cups from one cup to another six times. He stacked the cups by blowing them individually.

01:42 The Internet

Most Card Decks Stacked On Forearm In 45 Seconds


Trav stacked 27 decks of Pokemon cards on his forearm in 45 seconds.

01:54 Italy

Fastest Time To Build A Domino Tower

Silvio Sabba

Record Setter built a tower of dominoes in 15.50 seconds.

02:31 The Internet

Tallest Bowling Ball Tower

Eric Smyth

Eric S. stacked seven bowling balls in a tower.

00:39 Canada

Tallest Penny Tower Stacked Vertically On Top Of A Penny

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman stacked two pennies vertically on top of another penny.

01:27 United States

Widest Stack Of Scrabble Tiles

Tai Star

Tai Star stacked Scrabble tiles seven tiles wide.

00:25 United States

Most Cards Stacked On A Top Hat

Tai Star

Tai Star built a stack of playing cards balanced on a top hat that reached seven stories in height.

01:34 Canada

Tallest Penny Tower Stacked On Right Ring Finger

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman stacked 40 pennies on his right ring finger.

03:36 United States

Most Cards Stacked In One Hand

Tai Star

Tai Star built a stack of playing cards balanced on his hand that reached 10 stories in height.

02:36 United States

Tallest Card Tower Stacked On Foot

Tai Star

Tai Star stacked a card tower eight stories high on his foot.

01:12 United States

Fastest Time To Stack Nine Tuna Cans While Performing A Headstand

Tai Star

Tai Star stacked nine tuna cans in 12.94 seconds while performing a headstand.

02:02 United States

Tallest Penny Tower Stacked On Right Pinky Finger

Tai Star

Tai Star stacked 16 pennies on right pinky finger.

03:20 Canada

Tallest Penny Tower Stacked On Left Pinky Finger

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman stacked 28 pennies on his left pinky finger.

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