Kids World Records

402 Records Found


Fastest Time For A Three-Year-Old To Name All 196 Country Capitals

Nethin Hari

Three-year-old Nethin named 196 capitals of different countries in five minutes, 46.75 seconds.

00:48 India

Fastest Time For A Three-Year-Old To Recite The 66 Books Of The Bible In Order

Snehil Prakruth.N

Snehil Prakruth.N recited the 66 books of The Bible in order in 46.46 seconds. He is three years old.

00:32 India

Fastest Time For A Three-Year-Old To Stack Five Dice In A Tower

Muhammad JazlaanLabib

Muhammad J. stacked five dice in a tower in 11.16 seconds. He is three years old.

04:05 India

Fastest Time For A Toddler To Solve The Indian Map Puzzle App


Parikshit Omkar solved the Indian Map Puzzle app in three minutes, 40.16 seconds. He is two years old.

02:47 India

Fastest Time For A Toddler To Write Eight Words

Manthena haindavi

Manthena's son, Ayushmaan, wrote eight words in two minutes, 29.71 seconds. He is three years old.

04:10 India

Fastest Time For A Two-Year-Old To Name 105 Social Media Website And Search Engine Founders

Snehil Prakruth.N

Snehil Prakruth.N named 105 social media website and search engine founders in four minutes, 10.07 seconds. He is two years, 11 months old.


Fastest Time For A Two-Year-Old To Name All 219 Country Capitals

Snehil Prakruth.N

Snehil Prakruth.N named 219 different country capitals in five minutes, 8.96 seconds. He is two years, 10 months old.

16:10 The Internet

Fastest Time For One Person To Toss A Baseball Back And Forth With 156 People

Ethan Bryan

Ethan and 156 sixth grade students at Pipkin Middle School completed a game of catch in 15 minutes, 16.02 seconds. Ethan set the record as part of his stunt-journalism-book-project to become the "World's Best Catch Player".

00:07 The Internet

Fastest Time For Six People To Write "Donald Trump" On A Whiteboard


Six students wrote "Donald Trump" on a whiteboard in 4.85 seconds.

03:01 The Internet

Fastest Time For Two People To Empty A Ball Pit

Jasper Jacobs

Jasper and Zane Jacobs emptied a ball pit in two minutes, 35.60 seconds.

01:00 The Internet

Fastest Time To Braid Hair While Holding A Leg Split Pose

Holly Sutherlnad

Holly S. braided her hair in 21.75 seconds while holding a leg split pose.

00:26 United States

Fastest Time To Build A Five Car Lego Train

xander fowlkes

Xander F. built a five-car Lego train in 5.53 seconds.

00:36 The Internet

Fastest Time To Draw Faces On Five Pumpkins

Alexis A.

Alexis A. drew faces on five pumpkins in 25.38 seconds. The record was set at First Friday Las Vegas, a monthly festival held in Las Vegas, Nevada. The record was officiated by RecordSetter co-founders Dan Rollman and Corey Henderson. #FirstFridayLV

00:41 Australia

Fastest Time To Fill A Connect Four Board

Marcus Brims

Marcus and his friend filled a Connect Four board in 28.40 seconds.

00:57 United States

Fastest Time To Finish 10 Laps On An Anki Overdrive Racetrack Using A Nuke Supercar


A member of the Anki Overdrive Club finished 10 laps in 46.69 seconds on an Anki Overdrive racetrack using a Nuke supercar.

00:39 United States

Fastest Time To Finish Five Laps On An Anki Overdrive Racetrack Using A Big Bang Car


A member of Anki Overdrive Club finished five laps in 24.28 seconds on an Anki Overdrive racetrack using a Big Bang car.

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