Ball World Records

732 Records Found

05:19 Australia

Most Mini Basketball Bounces On A Cricket Stump


Brendan Kelbie bounced a mini basketball on a cricket stump 1,360 times.

00:21 United States

Most Catches Juggling Five Balls While Bouncing A Ball On A Balance Platform

Thom Wall

Thom Wall completed 48 catches juggling five balls while bouncing a ball on a balance platform.

00:55 Australia

Longest Time Spinning A Basketball On The Tip Of A Wooden Ruler Held In Mouth


Brendan Kelbie spun a basketball on the tip of a wooden ruler held in his mouth for 39.13 seconds.

00:08 Netherlands

Most Rings Juggled While Balancing A Ball On A Pole On Forehead

Niels Duinker

Niels Duinker juggled eight rings while balancing a ball on a pole on his forehead.

19:54 England

Longest Time To Keep Up A Soccer Ball With Knees

Laurent Kelly

Laurent Kelly kept up a soccer ball using his knees for 19 minutes, 45.00 seconds.

00:07 The Internet

Longest Time Riding A Unicycle While Juggling Three Balls And Playing Harmonica

Rex Greer

Rex Greer rode a unicycle for 6.53 seconds while juggling three balls and playing harmonica.

00:20 The Internet

Most Catches Juggling Three Balls While Spinning A Basketball On A Mouthstick Held In Mouth And Riding On A Unicycle

Andrew Toft

Andrew T. made 69 catches juggling three balls while spinning a basketball on a mouthstick held in his mouth and riding a unicycle.

02:36 Slovakia

Tallest Mandarin Tower Stacked On A Basketball

Peter Durdik

Brendan Kelbie stacked five mandarins in a single tower on a basketball.

00:30 United States

Most Croquet Balls Held In One Hand At Once

Ephraim Williams

Ephraim W. held five croquet balls in his hand at once.

00:55 Australia

Longest Time Spinning A Basketball On A Pen Held In Shoe While Balancing A Camera Tripod On Forehead


Brendan Kelbie spun a basketball on a pen held in his shoe for 18.16 seconds while balancing a camera tripod on his forehead.

01:28 India

Most Basketball Bounces On A 3.30-Kilogram Dumbbell

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur bounced a basketball on a 3.30-kilogram dumbbell 16 times .

00:32 United States

Most Consecutive Throws Of A Pillow In 30 Seconds While Spinning It On Finger And Juggling Two Balls

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey threw a pillow 13 times in 30 seconds while spinning it on one finger and juggling two balls with his other hand.

01:02 United States

Most Successful Basketball Free Throws In One Minute While Two People Are Playing Rock-Paper-Scissors

Justin Edelman

Justin E. completed 17 successful free throw shots in one minute while two of his friends played rock-paper-scissors.

00:32 United States

Most Catches In 30 Seconds Juggling Three Balls Using Alternating Sides Of A Tennis Racket In One Hand

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey completed 98 catches in 30 seconds while juggling three balls, holding a tennis racket in one hand and alternating racket sides between catches.

01:07 The Internet

Most Tennis Ball Kick-Ups In One Minute

Stephen Brannigan

Stephen B. performed 191 kick-ups in one minute using a tennis ball.

00:53 Canada

Most Behind-The-Back Throws While Juggling Three Balls And Kneeling On An Exercise Ball

Mason Axcell

Mason A. performed five behind-the-back throws while juggling three balls and kneeling on an exercise ball.

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