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Longest Time To Control A Devil Stick With One Hand

United States

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Hillsboro, Illinois, United States / October 31, 2012

Pete Moyer controlled a devil stick using one hand for one minute, 21.52 seconds.

- must use standard-sized devil stick
- can only use one hand
- no single or double flips
- stick can not touch body or ground
- stick must be between 23 to 24 inches in length
- must follow form of current world record holder
- must provide video evidence


Tags: wildcardlongestjugglingdevil stick

  • Germany Lukas Reichenbach

    hey dan thanks for your interest. In my opinion the difference between devilsticks and flowersticks is really significant i´ll try to explain why.

    • Devilsticks react and move faster than flowersticks resulting in a higher chance of failure
    • Devilsticks have less grip which means you have to play more accurate and use a technique that is more focussed on hitting than catching. A flowerstick provides an amount of grip that once it touches the handsticks it will stay there for half a second and almost any movement will prevent it from falling to the ground
      • the flowers stabilises any circular motion, for endurance records like propeller, helicopter etc. this is a huge advanage (fewer corrections need to be done which is less exhausting to body and mind)

    there are propably more reasons but it´s hard to describe, nevermind ask any experienced juggler or sticker and most of them will tell you that flowersticks are way easyer.

    if you need more information feel free to sent me a message.

    besides that devilstick has a little terminology problem already. There are 2 Videos under "devilstick" and while the rest is tagged under "devil stick" none of these is wrong or correct (even if i like devilstick way more and think it makes more sense)

  • The Internet Michael Taco

    actually.. that's not even a devilstick, but a Flowerstick! anyway i'll try to set a new record soon :P

    • Germany Lukas Reichenbach

      recordsetter clearly doesn´t care about the difference between devilsticks and flowersticks and i guess it´s to late to change that, nevermind i plan to do some record filming in a few weeks so if you break that record better do long cause i want it back

    • Canada Dan Rollman

      Lukas and Michael, we welcome your input. If it makes sense to separate categories (devilstick and Flowerstick), we are open to doing so. Is the degreee of difficulty significantly different?

  • Canada Ben Oll

    make that 4:12 I don't know why it says 4:19 I set it to four twelve :D

  • Germany Lukas Reichenbach

    thx, it was harder than i thought it would be before starting

  • United States PeteM


  • United States Brian Pankey

    that's fine Pete. When I wrote the criteria I stated equivalent to that size so 23 - 24 inches should be fine

    • United States PeteM

      Yeah, I think the criteria should just get rid of the length. Standard size is 24" but I know I've seen trigon devilsticks nearly 30" but I wouldn't say it's any easier.

  • United States PeteM

    I'm going to be attempting this but with a stick of standard size. Hopefully it's allowed. I don't think size makes too much of a difference. I can do it with a shorter stick at about 24" or a larger one at 28" but finding one specifically under 22" is a little prohibitive since most devil sticks aren't that small.

  • United States PeteM

    I agree with Peter, even I make my own devilsticks like Brian did. All of mine are around 24" just with the shaft not even measuring the tassels.

  • The Internet Peter Brunette

    This video seems to be spam. More than half the video is trying to sell a product. It also requires the use of a devil stick so short that it is hard to find. For example, serious juggling carries 6 different types of devil sticks, all of them are longer than his "standard devil stick", and carries 11 different devil sticks, only one of them is short enough to meet the record criteria. I assume that the super short devil stick criteria is simply to attempt to sell a product, making this entire record spam.

  • The Internet Peter Brunette

    The criteria for this record are impossible. A standard devil stick is about 27". All the major juggling manufacturers (dube, lunastix, renegade, todd smith, play) make their devil sticks very close to that length. Asking for a 21.5" devil stick is requiring people to use a product much shorter than standard length, that I could not even find available online.

  • United States PeteM

    This definitely did not have that criteria listed earlier. Cameron posed his question which was never answered by Brian. The criteria was listed after I submitted my video.

  • The Internet Cameron Woodward

    I have two questions. 1. Can you start off with two hand sticks? 2. Do you have to be hitting the batton side by side the whole time or can you be doing 360's and spinning it verticly at the same time?

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