Longest World Records

3547 Records Found

00:41 Sweden

Longest Forward Hold Using Two 15-Kilogram Weight Plates

Thommy Ohlund

Thommy Ohlund performed a 7.58 second forward hold using two 15-kilogram weight plates.

01:58 Canada

Longest Four-Finger Plank

Darryl Learie

Darryl Learie performed a four-finger plank exercise without using his thumbs, ring fingers and pinkies. He remained balanced in position for one minute, 35.40 seconds.

01:44 Canada

Longest Four-Finger Plank With 50 Pounds On Back

Darryl Learie

Darryl Learie performed a four-finger [plank exercise][1] without using his thumbs or pinkies while carrying 50 pounds of additional weight on his back. He remained balanced in position for 24.32 seconds. [1]: http://exercise.about.com/od/abs/ss/abexercises_10.htm

07:13 The Internet

Longest Freestyle In A Shower

Elijah Walker

Elijah Walker performed a freestyle in a shower for six minutes, 58.36 seconds. NOTE: This attempt contains adult language and therefore may not be suitable for some audiences.

00:19 England

Longest Free-Verse Homophone Love Poem Published As A One-Poem Book

Theresa Chadenga

Theresa Chadenga wrote a 5,791-word free-verse homophone love poem that she published as a one-poem book.

00:32 France

Longest Full Planche

Vass Thesupersaiyan

Vass T. held a full planche for 15.96 seconds.

09:32 United States

Longest Game Of Yiddish Telephone


At a weekend retreat, a group from Reboot set the world record for Longest Game Of Yiddish Telephone. The feat was officiated by RecordSetter President Dan Rollman.

04:59 United States

Longest Glowstick Chain

Alana London

Students, staff, and community members of Brookman Elementary School in Las Vegas, Nevada created a chain using 20,808 glow sticks. Each glow stick represented a book that a student read and tested at 80% or higher.

05:01 India

Longest Goblet Drumming Marathon

Drummer Sridhar

Drummer Sridhar played the darbuka (goblet drum) nonstop for 12 hours. Read more about the feat here.

00:11 The Internet

Longest Graduation Scroll Spin Toss

Connor Rawlinson

Connor R. tossed a graduation scroll, spinning it 3.5 times before catching it.

01:31 The Internet

Longest Grapefruit Peel

Joshua Kilbride

Joshua K. carved a grapefruit peel 48 inches long.

01:04 South Africa

Longest Hand Clap Chain

Executive Mayor

City of Champion's Executive Mayor Danny Jordaan led 199 people to form a hand clap chain. The record was held at Dan Queue Stadium in Nelson Mandela Bay, South Africa.

02:23 Israel

Longest Handstand (Junior)

rotem kaplan

Rotem K. performed a handstand that lasted two minutes, 18.03 seconds. He is 16 years old.

00:41 Netherlands

Longest Handstand Against A Wall While Drinking A Glass Of Water Using A Straw

Max Koudijs

Max K. performed a handstand against a wall for 7.90 seconds while drinking a glass of water using a straw.


Longest Handstand In A Shower

Nikki Unwin

Nikki Unwin performed a handstand in a shower one minute and 21.56 seconds. Unwin achieved the feat at the 2011 Sasquatch Music Festival in George, Washington. The record was set inside got2b’s World’s Biggest Shower, a featured festival attraction. [#SMF01][]

01:22 The Internet

Longest Handstand In A Store

Michael Louis

Michael L. performed a handstand inside a store for one minute, 20.97 seconds.

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