Leg World Records

217 Records Found


Most Single-Foot Jumps In 30 Seconds

Robert Duran

Robert Duran jumped 117 times on one foot in 30 seconds. The record was set at Angel Stadium of Anaheim during an event sponsored byPower Balance.RecordSetterco-founder Corey Henderson was present to oversee and adjudicate record. #PB01

01:05 Canada

Most Jumps In One Minute By Two Siblings With A Combined Age Of 6


Mario's kids, 2-year-old Sophie and 4-year-old Nicky, jumped a combined total of 101 times in one minute.

01:48 United States

Most Leg-Free Crutch Circles Around Someone In One Minute

Josh Levine

Josh L. performed seven leg-free crutch circles around someone in one minute. Josh set his record during a RecordSetter LIVE! event at The Learning Village in Las Vegas, Nevada. RecordSetter Co-founders Dan Rollman and Corey Henderson were present to adjudicate the attempt.

00:10 The Internet

Most Consecutive One-Armed One-Legged Balance Push-Ups

Adel Khalil

Adel K. performed three one-armed one-legged balance push-ups.

00:30 The Internet

Most Leg Lifts On Men's Gymnastics Still Rings In 30 Seconds

Michael Louis

Michael L. performed 18 leg lifts on men's gymnastics still rings in 30 seconds.

00:48 India

Most Times Passing A Ball Between Legs In 30 Seconds


Antony R. passed a ball between his legs 41 times in 30 seconds.

01:24 United States

Longest Time Juggling Three Balls While Lying On Back And Holding A 25-Pound Weight With Legs

Nate Tower

Nate T. juggled three balls for one minute, 2.90 seconds while lying on his back and holding a 25-pound weight straight up with his legs.

00:34 India

Most Leg Kicks While Holding A Peacock Pose In 30 Seconds

Suresh Gaur

Suresh G. completed 124 leg kicks in 30 seconds while holding a peacock pose.

00:31 United States

Most Leg Takedowns In 17 Seconds

Kevin Taylor

Kevin Taylor's martial arts student performed six leg takedowns in 17 seconds.

02:33 United States

Most One-Legged Moon Shoe Hops In One Minute

Lucy Harrell

Lucy H. completed 107 one-legged Moon Shoe hops in one minute.

00:56 India

Most Hops With One Leg Behind Head

Sagar A

Sagar A. placed one leg behind his head and hopped 86 times.

01:35 India

Longest Time To Keep Four Running Motorcycles Stopped With Arms And Legs

Montystar Agarawal

Montystar A. stopped four running motorcycles using only his arms and legs and kept the engines restrained for 10.19 seconds. WARNING: This record can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional stunt man. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.

02:48 Scotland

Longest Time Balancing A 40-Pound Weight On An Ironing Board Using Both Feet

William Cannon

William C. balanced a 40-pound weight on an ironing board for one minute, 36.02 seconds using both of his feet.

00:56 Wales

Most Consecutive Baseball Bounces On A Football While Standing On One Leg

Mark Evans

Mark E. bounced a baseball on an American football 104 times while standing on one leg.

01:22 Wales

Most Consecutive Tennis Ball Bounces On A Football While Standing On One Leg

Mark Evans

Mark E. bounced a tennis ball on a football 139 times while standing on one leg.

02:37 The Internet

Most Under-The-Leg Hacky Sack Catches

Jake York

Jake Y. completed 120 under-the-leg hacky sack catches.

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