Kids World Records

402 Records Found

02:40 Latvia

Longest Time Spinning A Fidget Spinner On Ring Finger

Kristians Pukitis

Kristians P. spun a fidget spinner on his ring finger for two minutes, 18.03 seconds.

01:02 United States

Most Sit-Ups In One Minute (Junior)

Joey Riccio

Joey R. performed 46 sit-ups in one minute.

00:36 Belgium

Longest One-Footed Glide (Inline)

Dries Wellekens

Dries W. performed a one-footed glide on an inline skate for 37.00 seconds.

02:47 India

Fastest Time For A Toddler To Write Eight Words

Manthena haindavi

Manthena's son, Ayushmaan, wrote eight words in two minutes, 29.71 seconds. He is three years old.

00:30 United States

Most Mustache Stickers Put On Face At Once

Hudson Stolarczyk

Hudson S. put 43 mustache stickers on his face at once.

00:12 United States

Most Thumb Tap Juggles With A Fidget Spinner

Andrew h.

Andrew H. performed nine thumb tap juggles with a fidget spinner.

00:07 The Internet

Most Consecutive Under The Leg Fidget Spinner Catches

Kyler McCoy

Kyler M. caught a spinning fidget spinner under his leg four times.

00:31 Australia

Most Push Kicks Done By A Baby In 30 Seconds

Archer Lee

Archer L. performed 22 push kicks in 30 seconds.

00:09 Netherlands

Most Tsum Tsum Stuffed Toys Stacked In A Pyramid In 10 Seconds

Nick Geerlings

Nick G. stacked seven Tsum Tsum stuffed toys in a pyramid in 10 seconds.

00:24 United States

Fastest Time To Recite The 66 Books Of The Bible In Order

Bella Roberts

Bella R. recited the 66 books of The Bible in order in 16.18 seconds.

03:40 United States

Most Seven-Block Jenga Towers Made In Three Minutes

Vito O.

Vito made six 7-block Jenga towers in three minutes.

00:24 United States

Farthest Distance To Chip A Water Bottle Into A Golf Hole

Matty du Plessis

Matty D. chipped a water bottle into a golf hole from six feet away.

45:32 United States

Most Behind-The-Back Basketball Dribbles In 45 Minutes (Junior)

Stepan R

Stepan R. dribbled a basketball behind his back 3,414 times in 45 minutes. He is 10 years old.

06:47 Australia

Longest Time Balancing A Toy Lightsaber On Forehead While Seated


Brendan Kelbie balanced a toy lightsaber on his forehead for six minutes, 10.10 seconds while seated.

03:34 United States

Longest Time Balancing A Toy Train On Face


Tate S. balanced a toy train on his face for two minutes, 39.97 seconds.

13:47 Australia

Longest Time Hopping On One Leg On A Trampoline

Jackie Taylor

Record Setter hopped on one leg on a trampoline for 13 minutes, 30.00 seconds.

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